Sunday, December 4, 2011

Grandma & Grandpa

I scanned these photos for a school project of Kendra's and now that they're digital, and this is their anniversary month, I might as well share them here!


The family about 1925? or so:


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Horsemens Park July 23, 2011

The JT Smith Memorial Race was the last one on the program. Here are some shots of Jim's family with his blanket, which was awarded to the horse that won the race.
Paul D.:

Jacob, Kris and Irene:


Winning jockey Ashley Dill gets a high five from a fan:

Can't remember the horse's name, but I cashed in a $2 ticket on him. After the race, all family present crowded into the winner's circle for the official picture. It was a HUGE crowd of Gatewoods and Smiths. Kris is working on making the JT Smith Memorial an annual race. (Shirley, this coud be your chance to get into a race photo.) I hadn't been to Horsemens Park before - we had a fun day. I started with $10,bought a $2 ticket on every race and came home with $9.60. Not bad, huh?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Road trip

On the road to Omaha Just beyond the top of that hill we encountered a big rainstorm with a rainbow across the road in front of us.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A little bragging

Abby has been accepted into the NECC school of nursing and has received the Susan Buffet Scholarship. So proud of her and she will be staying close to home.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An Easter Birthday

According to an article in the newspaper, the Sunday that will be Easter each year is determined by the moon and Passover and the Spring equinox. The latest it can occur in the year is April 25th, so this year came pretty close to that when Easter fell on the 24th. Why? you may ask am I noting this. Well the last time Easter fell on its latest possible date of the year -- April 25th -- our sister was born.

Hope you had a Happy Birthday, Sue.

Getting My Gardening Going

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Happy ??th birthday, Myrna. Have a great day.
Love, Jerry & Sue

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011


Yes, that is a real longhorn bull riding in the car.

The Coyote was on one of the golf courses we played.

The ducks were wandering around at a "Chocolate Affaire" festival in Glendale, AZ.
Yes, I did by some chocolate.

The crow was just sitting there like he wanted his picture taken.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

small world

We went to Mesa to meet some friends from Carroll & Norfolk and play golf at the Arizona Resort. While we were sitting in the bar waiting for our t-time a familiar face walked in. It was Richard Svendson. I said "Hey, Rich." Alan Nies was with him. He said "my sister is outside." so I went out to visit with Sharon a little bit. Rich's wife, Cynthia Moseman, was also with them. After we played we went in to have supper and they all were in there again. Talked to them some more. They told us Cynthia's mom, Loralee, would be joining them for supper. Loralee has remarried to Jim Wickstrom from Oakland. Did talk to her a little while also.
You just never know when you will meet someone from the past.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Whats for supper? If it looks like a duck is it really a duck?