Monday, December 31, 2007

Crossed fingers

Right now it looks like the weather will be acceptable for our Christmas Dinner. Remind me again what everyone is bringing. Can anyone bring some extra silverware? Although I don't like using paper plates, will be using them this time. Don't forget your gift exchange.
Bob, there will be elk roast.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

One more thing

McKayla Leanne Keppen was born to Andy David Keppen and his partner Courtney on December 23, 2007 at 6:33 Eastern time in Florida.  Andy is my grandson.  At last report all are doing very well.

More Christmas programs

On Christmas eve, as I walked to my car to go to church Christmas Eve service I was aware of the full moon.  I heard the call of geese and when I looked up I saw two wavy vs of geese their wings touched by the light of the full moon.

Christmas service.
The lights are extinguished and the candles are lighted by passing the flame from one to the other.  We sing Silent Night.  I usually have tears in my eyes, not this time.  I look at the flame and remember the Methodist Church in Lyons, Nebraska where I heard Silent night more than a few times during the holiday season.  These memories continued to other church services with candles and Silent Night. 
Then the three country schools came to mind.  Yes, we did sing Silent Night in those days.  First was Jefferson School, the same school our mother attended and where  her elder sister taught.  I was in first grade.  The program, similar to the one Sue described, was in the basement.  I remember rehearsal upstairs singing Up on the House Top Click, Click, Click and probably saying a memorized poem.  Then there was Wilson School probable two or three programs there.  I remember one when I lost my individual piece before I had memorized it all and was sure everyone knew it was unfinished.  At Edgington School, one year the teacher and students wrote the play and performed it.  I don't remember which teacher.  I think that might have been the same year we learned to sing Oh Come All Ye Faithful in Latin.  I saw all that while we sang all the verses to Silent Night.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas programs

Christmas programs are a tradition that I look forward to every year. Kendra had her final church program Dec. 16th. At Southwood Lutheran the kids participate until the fifth grade. Before the service any kids that play an instrument can play a short piece before the program begins. She played violin with another little girl. She also had a short speaking piece. All went well.
Jacob had his school program on Dec. 18. The 3rd and 4th grade sang all the favorites. The 4th grade all have a little line or two to recite. Jacob will get his turn at speaking next year. On Christmas Eve we attended his Sunday School program. This program was 2 parts. The younger kids did a program on the decorating of a tree and the meaning of all the decorations. Jacob was the one selected to decorate the little tree while the lines were read. He did a great job.
The second half was the traditional Christmas pagent put on by the Jr-hi kids. This was an excellent program.

How many of you went to a country school? The programs put on in these little schools are a thing of the past since the closing of all country schools in Nebraska. Shortly after Thanksgiving the program is outlined. One-act plays are selected and parts handed out. Songs are selected and the practicing begins. Each child has parts to learn according to his ability. He/she may have several parts to learn before the big night. Volenteer parents come in to set up a temporary stage. Props and costumes are assembled, and the dusty curtains are shaken our and hung on wires that everyone hopes will hold up. This is a welcome break from the usual studies and most of the time is looked forward to. We all welcome this change even if we don't realize we may be learning something from the experience.

On the big night everyone in the district is invited to the program. Almost everyone comes even if they don't have children in school. Parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors all crowd into the little one-room school. The show goes on, not always without a hitch, but always entertaining. After the program, Santa shows up to talk to all the kids. A bag of treats is handed out to each child. Parents may be given a gift made by the children in school art class. Everyone goes home relieved it is over with, but sorry to get back to the regular studies of the little school. The volenteers take the stage down for another year and the curtains are stored away.

Back to the basics.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

For Myrna

Myrna, I have tried to send you an e-mail, but it keeps coming back undeliverable.
Send me something in my e-mail so I can check your address.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Found the book

We're all thinking about other things right now, but I found the Birthday/Anniversary book. I had put it on my bed headboard and it fell down behind it, but not all the way to the floor - until the other day when I heard a thump under the bed and found it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Now the forecast is for snow flurries and cold. It changes every day. Let's hope that we can go on with our get together. I have my last elk roast thawing out. May have to change the menu to elk stew or chili. I will need some extra silverware if someone can bring some. Also some folding chairs.

Last Saturday we ended up with about an inch of ice on the driveway. I have been working on getting it off. Only have about half of it cleared and now it is cold and threatening again today. One of the weather myths (or not) is that 90 days after fog we will have moisture. If I remember right, we had a lot of foggy days in September. I do find this cycle to be very close to the truth.

Cindy & I leave Wednesday afternoon for Sacramento so am watching the weather for that day too. If it looks like it might be iffy on Wednesday, Shirley, can I sleep on you couch Tuesday night?

Do you realize Jesus was probably not born in December? The fact that the shepherds were in the fields is a good indication that it was probably warmer weather.


Monday, December 3, 2007


The weather looks good for Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed. Anyone wanting some elk or deer burger, bring a cooler. I guess if it cold, you trunk will act as a cooler.
I had to put the cherry bing bars in the freezer and I made the star cookies yesterday. I better freeze them too so I don't eat all of them.
The weather here last weekend was bad. The sleet started around 3 am. Then we had a little of everything - rain, freezing rain, snow, wind - everything but sunshine.
The ice ended up being about 1" thick so it is a good thing we cancelled. We had elk roast for Sunday supper.
I took advantage of the cancellation and did some Christmas shopping. I made a pretty good dent in my list. During the afternoon it got really slushy where there is a lot of traffic. On the side streets, sidewalks and driveway it was really hitonius. We ventured out to our friends house to watch the volleyball girls and the big XII game on the big screen. GO HUSKERS.
Sunday I looked out at the ice still clinging to the trees and the icy streets and decided God would forgive me for not venturing out. I stayed home and baked cookies and did laundry. Jerry finally got the ice off the windshield of his pickup. I'm sure glad I have a garage.

Book still missing

Okay, everyone, I still can't find the birthday book, so everyone email me your December birthdays and anniversaries.

Friday, November 30, 2007


The Christmas get together is officially postponed until the 8th. I do hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone too much. By changing it, I wouldn't be surprised if the bad weather misses us. If it happens to get bad again next weekend, we will try to pick a date in January.

Maybe I can get some shopping done this weekend.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Weather forcast

Right now the forcast for our area on Saturday is 50% chance of snow showers. Doesn't sound like a big blizzard. If we are lucky the snow will wait until late evening to come in. Will pray for ok weather. I would really like to go to Tekamah and see Janell's program.

Friday, November 23, 2007


A non-traditional dinner was served at our house. The main course was capon. I had to almost laugh when the girl in the meat department at Walmart answered my question, "Do you have any capons?", with "Is that some kind of pork." Not wanting to explain that it was a castrated rooster, I told her it was a rooster. She said it would probably be with the poultry. (They didn't have any). Did get the last one at Hy Vee. The only traditional food was mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. Everyone in our family is really watching their weight so tried to keep that in mind when getting ready. There was a variety of salads, lettuce, jello, fruit, and broccoli. Not the traditional green bean casserole, but a green bean and carrot with bacon bits dish that has become kind of a staple at our gatherings because it is usually all gone. Cindy made a mock chocolate cheesecake pie that was really good and Tammie had brought the pumpkin pie. Joe brought a plate of deer sausage and cheese which also disappeared.
Some of us played a fun game of Apples to Apples which anyone can play. Jacob and Kendra had a hot football game going outside. Jaydee and Joe joined in for the "final quarter." Abby brought her dvd that her Aunt kristie had made for her confirmation last spring. Joe & Angie updated us on their new house. Cindy updated us on her plans with her youth group trip. Tammie told us a little about her mentoring child.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Joe & Angie

Today is Joe and Angie's 14th anniversary. This day was the first time all 9 of Abby's grandparents were present. It may have been the only time. The only picture of her with all of them was taken that day. Present were Jerry & I, Angie's parents,
(Leon and Cindy) my Mom (Rachel), Jerry's Mom (Lola or Nanny). Leon's Mom (Mary) and Cindy's Mom & Dad (Elmer & Bonnie). Since then our Mom's have both gone to a better place. Mary, at age 80, remarried and moved to Utah. Bonnie had a stroke and will probably be having Thanksgiving at her home for the last time. She is always so proud of the fact that she has lived on the family farm all her life. It will be real hard for her to move to town. All the family will be there to prepare the feast. I guess this is what we call "bittersweet."



Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Shae's B-Day

Happy Birthday dear Shae. You are the best little diva I know.

Everyone have a very nice Thanksgiving.

There is a letter in the mail -- yes the real mail -- about the Christmas gathering.


Happy 4th birthday to Shae. She is 4 going on 16. Look forward to seeing her in December.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I talked to Mick over the weekend and he's doing well. He had a colonoscopy and some polyps removed and some other tests, but they found nothing. He is planning on coming Dec 1. I'll see him at my house for Thanksgiving on Thurs.
I'm sure you all have plans by now, but if not, anyone is welcome to come out for turkey & stuff. There'll be 11 Carsons there.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Snowball Gift Update

I think the White Elephant Gift or regifting is a good plan. And anyone who buys new can be creative with a $10. limit. Also -- let's include all "kids" just like the rest of us. We'll just be careful and diplomatic about doing the stealing from them, etc. Because kids are a little more sensitive when it comes to gifting. And since Sue has designated me as being in charge of this project, I will make a rule that there be no black rubber rats allowed. Since it is Christmas, for goodness sake.


Janell, did you know Whoopi Goldberg was born the same day & year you were? You are much cuter though. Wonder how you would look with your hair in corn rows.
Today is Prince Charles 59th birthday. I wonder if he will ever get to be king.

Dad would have been 95 today. About a year before Dad died Jerry was driving to Montana and got real sick and had to be hospitalized with pneumonia in Winner, SD.
When he was released, I had to drive there to pick him up. The girls were not in school yet so I left them with Mom, and Dad went with me. Sometimes we wonder why things happen. I have no doubt this happened so I could have some time with my Dad.
I don't think I ever spent that much time alone with him in my entire life. His life ended the following fall.

Today is Joe's 35th birthday. Even though he dealt us fits when he was a teenager, he is doing quite well for himself today.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hey, Baby Sister, Happy Birthday. Makes me feel really old when my little sisters are in their fifties and my girls are in their fourties. Have a great day.
Love, Sue

Monday, November 12, 2007

You Say I'ts Your Birthday. .

Happy Birthday Janell. Enjoy our great fall weather.

Happy Birthday, Shirl!

Hope you're having a good one.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Snowball Christmas Gift Exchange

I found out the "rules" to the fun, interactive gift exchange that is sweeping the nation for families and many office holiday gatherings.

Each participant brings a unisex gift -- wrapped or disguised in some manner. The cost range having been preset by the someone in charge.

All participants are counted and the numbers 1 through however many there are, are put in a hat, of course. Each person draws a number.

#1 goes first in choosing a gift. #2 can then chose a gift, or take the gift #1 had chosen. #3 same option. and so forth. A limit of 2 times or 3 is set on how many times an individual gift can be "stolen" or taken. So one gift can't be passed all night you see. After the last number has his or her turn, #1 gets one more chance.
And then it stops and everyone opens and is mildly amused or ecstatically happy.

Does this sound like a fun thing to try for the holiday gathering?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


We will be having Christmas on Dec. 1st. Since it is dinner, not brunch, time will be noon. I will be fixing Elk and a roast (for those who won't eat the elk). Janell has volunteered venison. I sent a note to Scott & Lisa and asked them to let Brad know. I will send a note to Deb. Although I doubt she will come because of the distance. Cindy & Tammie have already planned for this day and with their busy schedules, it is hard to reschedule. Will try to get Joe to come and bring some pheasant. Let me know how many will be coming and what you can bring. I will fix potatoes.
Pray for good weather.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Did we set a date for our Elk Christmas dinner? Lisa and Scott need to know ASAP. The 8th works best for us.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Missing book

I'm having a lot of senior moments lately. One of them is that I misplaced the birthday book. I put it away someplace where it would be safe and now I can't remember where it is. I can't tell you the number of times I heard Mom say something like that! So I know I'm missing some November birthdays, etc. I'm sure one of you will fill in the blanks for me.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Mix together
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp soda
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
3 tblsp cocoa
Make 3 holes. Put 1 tsp vanilla in 1 hole, 1
tablespoon vinigar in one and 5 tablespoos melted
butter in one. Pour 1 cup cold water over all and
beat well,
Bake 325 for 30 min.

If I remember right, Brother, Bob, used to make this cake.
It is also odd that this cake doesn't take any eggs.

Myrna, what brought on the request for this cake?


Wacky Cake

For Myrna:

In a large bowl, mix 2 cups sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 cup shortening, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, 2 tsp vanilla and 3 cups all purpose flour. Do not stir. Pour in 1 cup boiling water and then mix. Bake in 9 x 13 pan 30 minutes at 325. Toothpick test for doneness.

This isn’t the exact one Mom had. In her recipe, you put all the dry ingredients in the pan, made three wells and then poured the boiling water in one well, the milk in another and 1 cup oil (instead of shortening) in the third and mixed it all with a fork.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Designated driver?

Someone sent me this picture of my friend Monte and his grandson, taken on River City Roundup this year.
(Shirley was tired of looking at Emily's feet, so I promised I'd put up something else.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Shirley, does Bob's brother still live near San Diego? What is their situation in regard to the fires?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Emily's feet

It looks a lot better now than it did 6 weeks ago!
She just told me that on her last Dr. visit, he said a nail might try to grow and if it does, it will have to be surgically removed because it would become ingrown.
Did you notice she's got those Gatewood bunions (the ones on the outside)?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

When I Get Where I'm Goin'

For Bob's birthday. Miss you, bro.

Where is everybody?

All your blogs are getting dusty and covered with spider webs! What’s going on out there? I thought for sure, you would all be weighing in on the Steve Pedersen thing.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Emily update

Emily had her last visit to the doctor today and has been declared "done healing." Pictures forthcoming. (Don't worry, it's not really very ugly anymore.)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Bob & Shirley

Happy Anniversay to Bob & Shirley. (Yesterday) Where did you drive to for you autumn trip? Did you find lots of antiques?

The Family in Springfield

With President Lincoln. This was taken before we wised up and borrowed a wheelchair from the National Park Service.

I hope everyone had a nice weekend: especially Bob & Shirl since it was their Anniversary. I remember that they had one of the nicest weddings I have ever been to.

I went to what was probably my last trailride/campout of the season. "Weekend at Bernie's" - hosted by a muleskinner named (what else?) Bernie and his wife and 5 kids and an assorment of neighbors and friends. It's over by Tekamah in the area of Summit Lake. The wind absolutely ROARED all night Saturday night. I thought my pickup was going to get blown over!

Huskers lost. Know anyone looking for a college football coaching position?

Cubs lost. Boo D-Backs. Kendra is probably whooping it up for the Yanks.

Don't forget to visit Nelli's Redneck Restaurant. I have an advertiser!

Friday, October 5, 2007


Happy 11th birthday to Kendra. Info on Kendra - she loves sports, hates the color pink, plays in the bell choir in church, and takes violin lessons.
Love, Gramma D.


I hope you are having a great day! Love you!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Crystal & John

The couple, the table, the cake, the Wedding Party.
Aren't they sweet?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Good news!

Emily is once again Bi-pedal! She stopped using crutches over the weekend. She limps because they’ve still got her in the special shoe, but she’s making great strides (pun intended) in her recovery!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Fessing up

I have a confession to make: I almost broke our brother.

Mick came out late Wednesday afternoon to help me with a project. He’s sort of between jobs this week, so I invited him to come and help me ride Lucy. He thought that sounded like a good idea, so we saddled up both horses and Bubba and I ponied Lucy around for a while and she was just as calm as she could be – made no fuss over the saddle or the bit & bridle, responded to all my cues for direction changes and so on, so Mick and I decided it was time to mount up.
As soon as his butt hit the saddle she went off like a firecracker – crow hopping like a bronc. He didn’t just fall off – he flew off: went straight up in the air and came down and landed flat on his back. He got the wind knocked out of him, but is otherwise okay. We didn’t try getting on her again.
Mick is supposed to call me after he’s been to the doctor’s and let me know what he found out. I thought he looked a little better Wednesday, not so tired and his color was better – even after he got bucked off.

Coincidentally, Joani ran into Mick on Thursday. She had gone to the Hiway Café in Lyons to meet Jim and Vicki for a birthday dinner for Vicki, and Mick happened to be there. They visited for a while and he told her about our Wednesday adventure. She said – and is probably right, “We are too old for that kind of stuff.”

Great news on the home front: we got our internet satellite installed, so we are online at home. We are now officially part of the global community.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

TV Series

I have not been watching much television the past few years -- since the demise of the comedies and the rise in the quasi reality shows, which I can't stand. But this week I have been glued to the PBS series "The War" by Ken Burns. If you have not tuned in, you should. It is fascinating, sickening, eye opening, and scary. All those and any other word you can think of.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Over my lunch break I went to see a dermatologist about a mole on my back. Thankfully it was not the kind that turn to cancer. He had the nurse burn 3 of them off my back and electrocuted a capillary just above my lip. I suppose the insurance company will call the electrolysis "cosmetic" and I will have to pay for three little electric shocks myself.
Mick stopped down at the Denton picnic for a few minutes. He didn't stay very long and I didn't think he looked well.

Crystal's Wedding

As of Saturday afternoon, Crystal is now Mrs. John Cardoni. They had a very nice wedding. John’s family is very musical and his mom played the bridal processional and recessional on the piano, quite beautifully, I might add. A friend of the groom played classical guitar selections for preludes and postludes. A female vocalist (may have been an Aunt of John’s?) sang a beautiful rendition of the Ave Maria. There were six bridesmaids all dressed in floor-length gowns of deep crimson, with spaghetti straps and long flowing skirts. They each carried a small bouquet of white roses. Crystal’s bouquet was of red roses. Her gown was strapless, with a full skirt, a light veil and long train – lots of lace and pearl embroidery. She walked down the aisle alone and John met her halfway. The groom and the six groomsmen were all in black tuxes, very simple but elegant.
The reception hall was a small building on the shore of a pretty lake. Pictures of John & Crystal from childhood through courtship were set up in various places all around the room. Everything was themed Italian: each table was named after an Italian city (we were seated in Sienna). The centerpiece was a wine bottle with flowers, surrounded by six small candles and a scattering of Hershey’s kisses. There was a cash bar, and a nice Parmesan chicken with bowtie pasta for supper. Dancing was to music provided by a DJ. We stayed for a few dances and Jack screwed up his courage and managed to dance with several of the bridesmaids and even had two of them at once at one point! Unfortunately, I was out of film by then!
Crystal & John looked very happy. No we have TWO wedding anniversaries to celebrate in September, instead of all that sad stuff!

Other news: Mick left his construction job in Minnesota and is renting a house in Oakland. He doesn’t look well and is going to see a doctor this week. Keep him in your thoughts & prayers.

Tammie & Randy

Happy Anniversary to Tammie and Randy.
Love, Mom

Monday, September 24, 2007


Happy Birthday to Bob N. Have a great day.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


We're leaving early tomorrow morning for Bloomington to go to Crystal's wedding.
Have a good weekend, everyone!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Piano Woman

In retrospect, one of the fun things I used to do with Mom was play piano duets. I always played the bass and she took the melody. She usually let me “lead” by choosing the pace and volume. She seemed to have an instinct as to when I was going to speed up, slow down, pause or go from pp to ff and back to pp again. It amazed me how far she could reach in playing chords with her stubby little fingers. She once told me that her mother paid her piano teacher, Miss Fritz, a half pound of butter a week for her piano lessons.
Some of the songs I remember playing with her were The Blue Danube, Ball in the Jack, El Cumancero, (sp?) and of course, hymns: Sweet Hour of Prayer, How Great Thou Art, What a Friend we have in Jesus and so many more.
I’ll never forget the time Jack & Em & I went to see her at her apartment in Evista around Christmas time and we played a duet of Silent Night. Afterward, she turned to me and said, “I’ve never heard that before! What a pretty song!” I almost cried thinking that a day might come when her disease would take away her music.
Eventually, after she moved to St. Joseph’s, the time came when the only way I could get her to look me in the eye was if I knelt in front of her and sang a hymn and then, later, even that was gone.
I guess music was just one of many things that were stolen from her, but to me, that was one of the saddest.

September celebrations

Cindy & George on the 25th. Will have to get the year from Cindy.

Monday, September 17, 2007


The 1st sounds good to me, but the 8th would also be fine, as far as I can tell from this far away. I'm thinking if we have it at your (Sue's) house, are we more likely to get a glimpse of Joe & his family? The rest of us can bring side dishes.
Does anybody want to do a white elephant gift exchange? That can be kinda fun.


Over my lunch break I walked up to the library to renew an overdue book. There is one guy there that always waives the late fees. He was there today and saved me 70 cents. When I walked in the door there was a big sign "Book Sale - 50 cents a book."
(Reminded me of Nederland.) I picked out 4 mysteries. Would probably have bought more except I was walking and that was all I could carry. I may have to go back a couple more times and get a supply for the winter. I am still waiting for some of the books that LDCP has reviewed. They must be real good books because they are always out. I am reading one now called "Grasshopper". It is set in London. (Maybe LD has read it.) I can't remember the author, but I think I am down to the "V's". Instead of wandering around trying to pick out a book, I go down the alphabet A to Z and pick a book accordingly. Sometimes I have to skip "Q & Z" because there aren't that many names that begin with those letters. I also have to make sure the print is big enough to read while I am on the treadmill.
Technology has also changed the way libraries are run. When I went to the library when I was a kid, I had a card that was stamped with the due date and put in a slot in front of the book. (I think Florence Preston was the librarian.) Now I have a card that I put under a light beam and the bar code is read and then the book is put under the litht and I am all checked out. I don't know if anyone was every prosecuted for overdue books when I was a kid, but I have seen names in the court news of our paper of people with warrants out for past due books. With the prices of books what they are, a library card is a real bargain. I'm not sure if I even had to pay for the one I have now.
When we lived in Dodge county, our monthly trip to Fremont for groceries included a stop at the library. We would pick out books to read for the next month. I think Joe would pick out Dr Seuss. My favorite is still "Fox in Sox".

Friday, September 14, 2007


I'm off to cook at Cowgirl Camp! See you on Monday!


When & Where? Will the 1st work for you and do you want to come to Norfolk? Will Shirley be able to get the time off if it is at our house? The 1st will probably be better for us because the next weekend conflicts with Jacob's birthday and probably Kendra's Sunday School program.
The Denton picnic is this weekend so I may get to see Scott & Lisa to get their input.
I guess I better find some elk recipes and do some experimenting.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Picture

I remember the day that picture on Mary’s blog was taken. We all went to Genelli Studios in Sioux City, right? I may have ridden in the car with Sue. I was hanging around with Myrna’s family: husband David and daughter Denise while the photographer was getting everyone else lined up. David must have been keeping an eye on things because at some point, he nudged me and said, “You’d better go stand by your mom, now. It’s time to get your picture taken.” It ticked me off because I wanted to stay by Denise!
Does anyone else remember anything about it?

Myrna, thanks for the package! Yes, I will get good use of it !

Thursday, September 6, 2007

From Mary Connealy

(In case you missed this in the comments on OSM):

Hey, guys, I'm going to be in the Omaha Lit Fest on September 15th. It's down town at the W. Dale Clark Library, which is at 15th and Farnam, so right in the Olde Market if you need an excuse to spend a day down there.
The panel is about inspirational fiction, but the theme of the Lit Fest is Depraved Woman Writers (and others)...
I think it's a reference to

Okay, I checked Dostoyefsky. We're really not least I have no plans to be!!!

Grandma's birthday

Mom's book says 1895, but I don't think that's right. I believe it's more like 1881. Does anyone know the correct year for sure?

Friday, August 31, 2007


Even though I said I wasn't going to get on the computer today since I don't have to, I did anyway.

I just sent one of my friends a message so here is what I told her. One of you can paste this to the Gatewood blog, since I don't want to create some log in thing right now:

I had my lasix surgery yesterday afternoon. Obviously if I'm on the Internet, I'm not blind. The procedure itself was over before I knew it. It was the freakiest thing I've ever been through, but the dr. was so nice and the one girl who was my "hand holder" walked me through every step. You hear everything going on, and the dr. is counting (45 seconds Tammie) as the actual laser does it thing. The 45 seconds was longer than a normal procedure because of my nearsightedness was so bad. I had a follow up appt. this morning and I was able to read 20/20 vision. Everything today is very fuzzy but the dr. said that will slowly wear off. It didn't hurt, and my eyes are a little tired and dry today. I have 3 different eye drops to use, one drop every hour of some sort for the next week. I can't wear makeup until next week, but I'm off work so hey, why wear make up around the house? But everything went fine, and according to the dr. a complete success. It is very strange not reaching for the glasses first thing in the morning and being able to see what I look like in the mirror without glasses without squinting. When I put make up on next week, it'll be the first time I won't have to use a hand-held mirror up to my nose to see what I am doing since I was so nearsighted and couldn't just lean over the bathroom sink to see what I was doing.

I'd recommend it if you don't mind the debt!

Tammie Lang

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Just talked to Tammie. She had her follow up appointment this morning. She has 20/20 vision in both eyes. She will still have to wear reading glasses, but is excited about buying cool sun glasses instead of bifocals.

Anyone want to go to Sacramento in December?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Janell, did you get any storms Tuesday night? The TV said Uehling & Tekamah were getting hit pretty hard.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Those girls are awesome, aren't they? While watching the match on Saturday night, I saw a little boy that sure looked like Derrick waving a sign. Also saw a sign that was made to look like an airline ticket that said "From Omaha to Sacramento". Sights are set high for this group.


Tammie is having her nearsightedness corrected tomorrow. The surgery is scheduled for 2pm. She is a little nervous, but who wouldn't be. I'm sure she will be fine. I guess that is one of the reasons we have this family blog - to keep everyone informed. Joe and Angie have both had it done and had no problems.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Wet and bored

My cowgirl camp for this weekend was canceled because Kelli’s arena is – and I quote – “A SWAMP.” And it’s too late to sign up to go the Petersburg ride, so here I sit.

I can’t believe how much it’s rained this past week. We had almost 2 inches in the gauge this morning, but I’m not sure when the last time was it got emptied. The sun was out for awhile today. It’s not supposed to rain over the weekend, so I might get some saddle time in anyway. I will also probably put in some time pushing the lawn mower.

Emily’s improving a little each day. She’s only taking Tylenol for pain now and that just before she goes to bed. Still not allowed to put weight on it, but getting closer every day.

I found an old quilt project that I started about 5 years ago. I have 6 of 12 blocks done and then I must have gotten going on something else. It’s a sampler quilt of 12 different patterns: Sunbonnet Sue, the Butterfly, Flying Geese, Tulips, Fans – all done in 30s reproduction fabrics. It’ll be pretty if I can get it finished up. I also ran across a quilt top that I did years ago for the fabric store. It was never quilted and when Monica closed the shop she gave it to me. I think I’ll try practicing some hand quilting on that one.

How are the T-shirt quilts coming along?

Monday, August 20, 2007

A story from Jack

Here is a story Jack told me:

"Yesterday at work, this girl came up to me and said, 'Hi.' She said it as if she’d known me for a really long time, or else she was just being real friendly – either way, I didn’t recognize her, so I just said, 'hi' back. When she turned around to walk away, I noticed she had a tattoo of an eye right in the middle of the back of her neck. It was right then and there that I was SO thankful I have never taken any drugs – real life is just weird enough the way it is, thank you very much."

Friday, August 17, 2007

Emily update

Emily is doing a little better each day. She's gone back to work - she sits and answers the phone - and can manage driving now. The hard part is getting in and out of doors that threaten to swing shut on her, but she’s learning how to deal with that, too. I think she only took one pain pill yesterday, after we changed the dressing. When we were done, she expressed frustration for the first time. She laid back and said, “I’m just SO SICK of this!” For the most part, she has kept up a good attitude. She sees the Doctor again on Tuesday.
We borrowed a wheelchair from our church so we were able to take her to the county fair for one sultry evening. I’ll be taking her down to UNO this Wednesday to give her a hand buying her books for the new term, which starts the 27th (I think).
I know she is very grateful for all the kind words that are coming her way as well as for the prayers that are going up for her. It helps more than you know. I get a lump in my throat every time I think about how much worse it could have been.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Family injuries

Am I the only one remembering when Dad got his pants caught in the power take-off of the tractor? Must I admit I remember most not getting to go to a movie I wanted to see. Someday I'll remember what it was.

Dad was working with a post hole digger on the back of his tractor. He got his pants leg caught in the power take-off--the connection from the tractor that made the post hole digger dig the hole. It tore most of his overalls off of him and cut up his leg pretty bad. He walked back to the house from the field with his jacket tied around his waist. He was afraid there would be a "bunch of women" visiting. If I remember right, he refused to go to the doctor. He said if he had been wearing new overalls it would have been a lot worse.

How is Emily doing?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

INFO - don't read if you have a weak stomach.

For Janell, On the farm on hwy 51, we could ride our bikes out the driveway around the grove and back to the house. Mick took off to do this. Dad had put up a string of barbed wire just at the spot we turned to go around the end of the grove. (I think he had turned some horses out in the field.) The fence caught Mick across the throat and made two cuts. This was one of the few injuries when we were growing up that required a doctor's attention. Mom took him and his bloody mess and he came back with little clamps across his throat. He really was lucky because it could have cut his jugular.

As for the light failure when during Grandma's surgery. There was a big power outage just as they were finishing the amputation. The story is that Dr. Gatewood had to finish cutting the bone with a hand saw.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Emily’s doing better, very slowly but surely. We have to change the dressing every three days, which is pretty painful because gauze sticks to everything. But it hurts a little less every time. She usually only takes two pain pills every day now, instead of the one every two hours she started with.
She’s getting around better on the crutches. Jack took her to a movie Saturday night and she said one of the crutches slipped on some water in the bathroom and she caught herself on her bad foot. She was afraid she’d popped a stitch, because it bled a little, but the stitches are all intact. It looks as good as it possibly can, but it’s going to take a long time.
She’s talking about going back to work on a limited basis. The Dr. okayed that as long as all she has to do is sit and answer the phone. She can’t walk on it at all.
She hasn’t lost her sense of humor. On our last Dr. visit, the nurse who was taking care of her said she has a son who mows barefoot. Emily kind of chuckled and said, “Do you want to take a picture of this for him?” The nurse laughed and said she sure would if she had a camera with her.

Family History Question: Is Emily the first Gatewood to suffer an amputation?


Janell, could we have an update on Emily? I think about her every time I start the mower.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Believe Scott might be 1973. Joe is 1972.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mick visited Sat.

Mick is now renting a house in Oakland. His cell phone # is unchanged. He’s still commuting to Minnesota to work on the ethanol plant up there, but thought that job would be over in Dec. I’ll email his new address.
I suppose you’ve all gotten your invitations to Crystal’s wedding? We are planning on going. Anyone else?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mom's Birthday

I was thinking about Mom and Grandma Anderson all day yesterday, but was away from the ‘puter so couldn’t blog about it. Here is my idyllic, pastoral fantasy about it:

Today, in 1918, Mom would be one day old and Grandma would be recovering. I picture 15 year old Aunt Julia cuddling her new baby sister while Grandma gets some well-earned rest. I don’t know if they had electricity yet; if they did, I picture an oscillating table fan blowing across a block of ice, moving the thick air around in Grandma’s room. If not, Julia may have soaked some white bedsheets and hung them in the open windows to catch whatever breeze there was and help provide some relief from the heat.

Virgil and Milton, ages 5 and 10 are probably out sweating in the field with Grandpa, maybe mowing hay with the horse drawn mower and the draft team I’ve seen pictures of. At sunset, they come in to the meal Julia fixed of roasted or fried meat, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden and a cold drink of fresh milk. Afterwards, they sit on the porch and try to cool off, hoping the night will bring cooler temps. Maybe Grandpa looks in on Grandma and sits with her and holds his new daughter for a while cooing to her in Swedish.

Across the Atlantic, WW I is approaching its bloody conclusion while negotiations for the Treaty of Versaille is setting the stage for WW II. There has never been a time in Virgil’s 5-year life span at this point when the “War to end all Wars” has not been raging. Meanwhile, the one day old baby girl who will someday raise six children of her own, sleeps peacefully, surrounded by her family.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I was browsing the birthday book this morning and realized I neglected to include Alex on the family list. He turned 5 on the 21st! Sorry!
I hope he had a good day! Fill us in on the festivities, Grandma Shirl.

Myrna’s got a new adventure and stories posted on her blog at the Odyssey website. Take a look!

I’m sad to report that I am no longer a publishing columnist. I was writing a monthly column on quilting for Country Lanes Magazine, but Monica decided to switch her advertising to another publication, so no more Loose Threads. The column space came with the display ad she was purchasing. I miss it. I’ve been doing it for 4 years. I’m going to look for another space to fill.

I hope you are all paying atention to LaDawn's situation. Keep her in your prayers.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Just checked mapquest. Moab, UT is 13 hours from Norfolk and 13 hours from Sacramento. Could we get more central for our next mini reunion? Are we going to persue this adventure? If we plan far enough ahead, maybe Randy and Jerry can join us. Just something to think about.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thank you!

Emily sends her thanks for the birthday wishes and I say "Thanks" to Myrna for our next trip to Applebee's! I appreciated the photos, too. I wish you people lived a little closer, so we could have days like that more often.


Happy birthday, Emily. You really know how to test your mom's cooking abilities.
Love, Aunt Suzie.


Thanks for being my daughter.

Friday, July 13, 2007


When I redid my Windmill flower bed this spring, I spent a lot of money at Earl May.
Therefore I had some $15.00 worth of coupons to spend in July or August. I am not one to pass up a bargain so I took my "money" and headed to their nursery. I found a miniature rose bush that was originally $19.99. It looked like it could use some TLC so I took it to the counter and said "you aren't really going to charge me $19.99 for this plant are you?". The manager said 25% off and then looked at it and said make that 50%. With my coupons I got it for $5.00. (you can only use up to 1/2 the price with the coupons). I am hoping it will perk up in it's new home. I also bought some red begonias to plant in a planter which previously had petunias in it. The petunias were looking real droopy. Had to be red because they sit under a red water pump. No where else to plant anything. You got to be kidding. I have a lot of pots in the basement. I haven't had a spider plant for awhile so I bought one of them to put out in my sun porch. My bargain - about $30.00 worth of plants for about $10.00 after the coupons were deducted.
Shirley, you can still plant stuff in July.

Family history

I found this in my “archives.”

March 27
Dear Grandma,
How are you? I am fine. *Dad came home yesterday. I can’t wait tell Jenell comes home. Can you wait untel she comes home? I thought her target practice was neet. Who is your pastor in church?
Dad is going to leave just about 10. He’s going to Utica New York. We don’t see him very much. I liked the roast on Sunday. It was deeleshes. I hope when we go to your church again we can have it. And when Jenell comes home we can have it too. Well I better say good-by. Write back soon.
I better say God bless you.
So good-by.
God bless you.

Is that precious or what? (I was in Basic Training at the time)

*Note: Dad is a trucker.

The Yaya Sisters

This has come to me in an email twice, and made me laugh out loud both times.

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.
But if it just site in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn’t appear to realize that you had set it free…you either married it or gave birth to it.

Reason to smile: Every 7 minutes of every day, someone in an aerobics class pulls a hamstring.

They keep telling us to get in touch with our bodies. Mine isn’t all that communicative but I heard from it the other day after I said, “Body, how’d you like go to the 6:00 class in vigorous toning?”
Clear as a bell, my body said, “Listen, Fatty, do it and die.”

My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely.

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don’t know what you’re doing, someone else always does.

The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight shoes.

Isn’t it amazing how you can hang something in your closet for awhile and it shrinks two sizes?

Sometimes I think I understand everything. Then, I regain consciousness.

Enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Myrna's Pictures

If you haven't visited the Myrna's Odyssey adventure website, you should. Lots of nice pics. There is a link to it on the right, just in case you haven't noticed.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Coach

You da man, Scott - you da man!


At the ballgame

Friday, July 6, 2007


Tomorrow, July 7. Hope you have a great day!


Happy birthday on 7/7/7 to Jonathan. Hope it is your lucky day.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Pics from the hike at Platte R.

On the banks of the Mighty (flat) Platte! Jonathan, Bob, Paulette, Jack, Sue & Emily.
Jonathan & Jack

Adam, Paulette (Auntie Pea) and Emily

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Ever wonder how Grandma & Grandpa A. timed their kids to be almost exactly 5 years apart? All but Julia are in July. I think she was October.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Re: Gatewood's Men

Montgomery M. Folsom was a poet from Georgia who was born in 1837. The one book that keeps coming up in searches is “Scraps of Song and Southern Scenes; A collection of Humorous and pathetic Poems and Descriptive Sketches of plantation life in backwoods Georgia.”

The Gatewood in the poem might refer to John P. Gatewood, a Confederate Guerilla who led raids through northwest Georgia and Alabama during the American Civil War. He was considered an outlaw by both sides because he perpetrated some pretty violent, bloody massacres and refused to obey orders from his Confederate commanders. Sort of a Confederate “Rambo/Terminator/Die Hard” kind of a guy. It seems to me the overall tone of the poem, which reads as an ode to a hero, doesn’t really fit the historical record of John P. Gatewood. Although Montgomery Folsom, being from Georgia, may have wanted to hail him as a hero. There were a LOT of Gatewoods in the Civil War, so I have more research to do.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Gatewood's Men

Here is a poem I picked up at the reunion. I’m still doing some research on the author M.M. Folsom and which Gatewood this refers to.

Gatewood’s Men By Montgomery M. Folsom

All day I stump around the place upon this worn old wooden peg,
And growing old I’m forced to brace myself upon the other leg.
But, comrades, when I see the sun come dancing down the mountain side,
And watch the wanton waters run – Oh, then I long to mount and ride.
As once we rode when down the vale we heard the clang of clashing arms,
The rolling drums, the bugle’s wail, the crash of battle’s wild alarms,
As heard in those memorial days of gallantry and glory, when through
The wood and winding ways we rode and fought with Gatewood’s men.

The world assumes a fairer mein, and blithely blew the bracing breeze.
Blue skies above the valley’s green, bird notes among the tossing trees,
Arousing all the fond delight an ardent soldier’s heart can feel,
While laughing streams like mirrors bright reflected back the flashing steel.
And like to sounding of the surf upon some shining sunlit shore,
Our hoofbeats on the springing turf sent up a mellowed, muffled roar;
The mountain eagle screamed aloud, the prowling wildcat sought his den,
As o’er the ridge our pennants proud were bravely borne by Gatewood’s men.

There’s some strange fascination in the sight of squadrons marching past,
There’s exaltation in the din and danger of the battle blast;
And men forget the milder arts and plentitude of placid peace,
Nor reck the blight of broken hearts that heal not when the campaign’s cease;
Still, in my sleep that banner flaunts its folds before my sole oppressed
By mocking memory that haunts me with its vain and vague unrest;
And vivid visions oft appear beyond the reach of mortal ken,
As in my dreams once more I hear the bugle call of Gatewood’s men.

I see him now – the noble roan, the charger which he always rode,
Just like a statue carved in stone, until, with conscious pride, he strode.
Along the line and boldly bore the leader that we loved so well;
No peerless paladin of yore of whom the old romances tell,
Might equal him; again I hear that voice so gently grave and strong;
And, answering back, the ringing sheer and some wild snatch of marching song.
Away with time and tiresome trade, and let me mount and ride again,
With leaping pulse and gleaming blade to victory with Gatewood’s men!

Perhaps the shrewd commander lay entrenched behind his cannon’s grim;
Or else updrawn in pride array along some rushing river’s rim;
Or maybe in some safe retreat ambushed behind a frowning wall.
Or flanking forts, prepared to meet out charge with bayonet and ball,
‘Twas then our leader showed the skill and strength of that resourceful mind;
A swift night march o’er the vale and hill, with blazing campfires still behind;
Then bursting like a fiery flood rode Gatewood and his gallant men!

Ah, few can feel what I have felt! With bounding heart and whirling brain,
And jingling spurs and tightened belt, and flinging free my bridle rein,
Responsive to the bugle call, firm fixed each fiber of my frame-
As “double quick” we followed all where Gatewood led through flood or flame;
A living avalanche we swung where burned the battle’s breath,
In reckless rivalry, and flung the gauntlet in the face of death!
How fast our frightened foemen fled before our conquering columns then,
For none withstood where Gatewood led the onslaught with his matchless men.


Happy Anniversay to Cindy and George. Do hope you have time to at least have dinner out sometime this week.
Love, Mom & Dad

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Taking a break from the festivities at the Carsons.

The old folks

Standing from left: Myrna, Jim, Janell, Sue, Shirley, Wanda.
Seated: Paul D., Aunt Grace, Linda, Connie.

Reunion pics

Sue with daughters; Tammie (left) and Cindy (right)


Myrna, David, Skyler, & Shae, Have a safe trip home.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


What a great weekend. The mini-reunion at Janell's was great. Thank a bunch, Janell. I wish we could have stayed longer. It looked like the fun for the adults was just getting started.

No offense to Jaydee, but a short note from the past. When we were growing up the worst name we Gatewood farm kids could use to insult one another was "City Kid."

The big reunion on Sunday was also great. It is always nice to see the relatives in a setting other than funerals. Had to leave that one too early also. (chores to do before dark.) The Mallot lodge is a great place, but wish we could find something a little more central.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Many Thanks!

Thanks to everyone who came out to play with us on Saturday! We enjoyed having you all over. Let’s do it again soon. Pictures coming soon!

Friday, June 15, 2007


Plans & preparations are finalizing for the Carson Ranch Great American Hotdog Experience! And Jack is fixing up a special addition to our BBQ.
Weatherman predicts heat but no rain, so it should be FUN!
See you all then!

Happy Father's Day this Sunday!

See you on the Platte!

Monday, June 11, 2007


Will bring chairs. Still waiting to get a yes or no from Joe. Jacob checked his ball schedule and really wants to come. Maybe he will come with us.
Angie's grandma Schriber had a stroke over the weekend. I guess it was pretty severe and affected her left side. Will probably be in the hospital 5 to 8 weeks and then may have to go to a nursing home. This will be real hard for her, because she has lived in the same house since the day she was born. I believe she is 80 years old. Don't know if she and Elmer have ever been apart.

Happy Birthday Adam!

Hope it was a great day for you!


Happy Birthday, Adam. Now all of Rachel's grandkids are voting age.

Please bring

Any of you who are coming from less than 100 miles on Saturday, please bring lawn chairs, folding chairs and card tables.

Friday, June 8, 2007


If you are interested in details of my little trip check out "The Back Nine."

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Happy belated 24th birthday to Cassie.

Still trying to get caught up at work. The end of the month is not a good time to be away from this job.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I am back at my desk which is piled with stuff to do. Will be more later.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A belated happy birthday, Cassie!

I've been caught ignoring my own birthday list. Sorry. Hope it was happy. See you soon!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Making Connections

I had a funny thing happen today. It was a busy one with Alex in tow, or more like Alex with us in tow. Anyway -- I had an appt for a perm and while I was there, I got to wandering about this group of hairdressers -- there are a couple who live in Blair, and I thought it would be funny if they knew any of these people I have been reading about. Well, I never found a way to ask or make a connection, but this lady and a little girl came in and they were both getting a haircut. The hair dressers really fussed over the little girl as she was a real doll. The lady started talking about living in Blair, too. She mentioned a last name, sounded familar but I couldn't come up with any reason why. Then she said the manufacturing company -- I looked at her and said, "Are you Lisa's Mother?" Well, sure enough.
So I'm Scott's aunt, and she says "then your Janell's sister, are you Suzie?"

This kind of thing doesn't happen to me much here in the city - it's fun when it does.

Carson Ranch Agenda & Menu for the 16th

2:00 pm guests will be heartily welcomed. Bubba & Lucy will be saddled & ready, although Mick will be the only cowboy qualified to ride Lucy. She’s a bit of a brat.

Afternoon munchies: Fruit & Cheese. Iced tea. Bring your own beer if you want it.

6-ish: Supper
The Great American Hot Dog Experience: grilled hot dogs and a condiment bar, including chili, kraut, relish, peppers, etc.)
Potato casserole
Dutch oven baked beans
Blackberry cobbler/ice cream
Iced tea

So far, the head count includes more “maybes” than confirmed yeses. Here’s who I’m counting:
Myrna – 5
Cindy – 4
Sue – 2-6 maybes; (Do Tammie & Randy know about this?)
Mick – 1
Scott & Lisa – 5 maybes
Faith & Scott have a double elimination softball tournament that weekend, so we don’t know if we should hope they lose so they can come see us, or root for them to do well so they can win! I guess we’ll hope they do well on Saturday, and get rained out on Sunday so they can come to the reunion.
See you all soon!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Jacob has decided not to go to the zoo. I will probably not join you for that part of your vacation unless he changes his mind. If he changes his mind I will let you know. They may come to Janell's on Saturday. Will let you know on that too. I think we will be able to come on Saturday. I was going to go to the big antique sale in Walnut, IA, but I think I will skip it and join the fun at the Carson Ranch.

Tomorrow I leave for Charlotte, No Carolina for national bowling. We are spending a few extra days to be tourists since none of us has ever been there. I will be back on Tuesday afternoon and back to work on Wednesday. Will probably be the fastest week of the year.

My rain gauge showed 2.8" of rain the past two days. I had ordered some miniature roses to put in my new flower bed. They arrived yesterday. I did manage to get them in the mud between rains. Getting the lawn mowed was another challange. I rushed home over my lunch hour to get this done. I finished up in a light rain. I think I have managed to get all my outdoor chores done before my trip and between showers.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

bike riding

OK Janell you had sidewalks to ride your bike on but the older four of us grew up like Jack and Emily.

Here's how I learned to ride my Blue birthday bike. I think it was my 8th birthday when I got a bike. Uncle Franty and some of the race horses were staying at our place--the Roy Way place--(Janell and Shirley never live there).

There was a gentle slope from the house to the barn. I started at the house and rode down to the barn. Then I pushed the bike back up and did it again. All of these trips were not without many, many falls. Finally I was good enough to count the trips I made without falling. As he went about his chores, Franty would encourage me after a fall and ask "How many?" when I started counting the trips without accidents.

I don't remember anyone holding on to my bike as I learned to balance. It was so much trial and error. Probably it was nothing harder than packed dirt. Riding on a gravel road was especially difficult when they added new gravel. In fact I think it was impossible.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Visitors from California ++

Here's what it looks like now.

Arrival on Wednesday, Zoo on Thursday, CWS on Friday (Paulette is emailing Bob about tickets), Janell's on Saturday, Reunion on Sunday and getting Paulette to the airport after. David, Myrna, Skyler and Shae have a few more days. I was wrong about us having to leave on Monday.

For the Memorial day holiday, Skyler and I have a very busy day. We are going to the Sacramento County Fair in the morning, swimming in the afternoon and bike riding early evening.

Today Skyler rode his bicycle around the streets inside the apartment complex. It was his first time outside of their backyard. He was cautious and very excited. At first he went around the speed bumps and then started riding over them. It is a joy to watch him in his new adventure.

Visitors from California

Friday, May 25, 2007

Zoo schedule

I haven't seen the commercial. Of course we don't have Roberts dairy out here anyhow. We have happy cows making California cheese.

Sue Thursday for the zoo would be better I think? CWS plans have not been solidified by my children.

Shirley I hope we are not causing you too much extra work at home.

SO...updated schedule at the moment...arrive on Wednesday, Zoo Thursday, CWS???Friday, Janell's Saturday, Reunion Sunday and get Paulette to the airport.

David's kids are troopers and it is always good to wear them out so bedtime is not an ordeal.

I would have made this an email but my addresses are on my computer at home.

My 1 1/2 cents worth

I happen to catch part of "the commercial" just one time. I don't usually watch the Omaha stations - probably the reason I don't see it.

I used to go to the reunions all the time. I have cut back to just every 5 years. It got kind of boring since so few people go any longer. By the way, Janell, Jerry Connealy was in here yesterday. He bought a Focus a couple of years ago and gets it serviced here. He will be back today because he lift his prayer book in our waiting area. For those of you who don't know Jerry, he graduated with Janell, is a priest in Pierce and a chaplin at the hospital here in Norfolk.

Last night after I mowed, I planted a few zennia seeds. I had two packets to plant. They sure don't put very many seeds in a packet any more. After that I cleaned the bathroom. and then ironed for 2 hours. By nine pm. I decided it was time to read the paper and do my daily sudoku.

We plan to visit the cemeteries tomorrow morning and have breakfast in Lyons. Will be there about 8 am if anyone wants to join us for breakfast. Then we plan to go to Ashland to play a practice round of golf (weather permitting). My golf buddy, Donna, and I will be playing in a NWAGA tournament there June 18-19. Nothing special planned for Sunday and Monday. I have to get things lined up to go to No Carolina for national bowling tournament.

Still haven't got a definite answer from Jacob about going to the zoo. Myrna, if your schedule is flexible, Thursday might work better for him. Joe said they may be going to the CWS, but didn't
say what day. Still all kind of undecided. Tammie said she would like to join us, but wasn't sure about getting off on Friday since someone else was going to be off that day. Sure is hard to work around all these schedules. Will stick with the Friday plan for now. Janell, I probably won't be able to make it to your party on Saturday. Real busy schedule the next few weeks.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My 2 Cents For Today

I do believe I just saw Janell's farm during the 10pm news. I have only caught the end of that commercial any time I've noticed it. But I caught it quick enough this time to get Bob to see it, and he confirmed that it looked like Janell's place.

We have a holiday weekend coming up. Anyone going to the Alumni Banquet? I won't be -- I have things to do to get ready for our company next month.

I was out digging in the yard again tonight until dark. I have this habit of buying plants and not allowing time to plant them the same day or next. So I end up digging in the dark. This will come to a screeching halt if I start running into those snakes in the dark. I am almost ready to say I can deal with them being around in the daytime, but at dark -- that won't happen. Anyway -- I have been highly motivated to get some new plants going this year -- several from last year are looking so good now. Weeds are looking pretty healthy, too, though. But this gardening stuff is fun.


NO, I'm not packing yet. I have been trying to get a number of tasks done that would test the patience of a five-year-old and his grandmother. Skyler comes to stay with me starting Monday. He will go to school with me and stay in our on-site baby sitter for the student's children. He will also get to go to our end of year party and staff lunch. He may get to go to school with Paulette the next week and we will both join Paulette's class at a Rivercats game.

That said, Paulette and I got new cell phones, bi-annual renewal of contract. I bought a new digital camera. My old one was too slow and I had out grown it. I got my bike tuned up well I took it for an $80 service and It is in such good shape, he oiled the chain removed a noisy plastic disk, checked the brakes and said happy riding. I'm going to get a pedicure this afternoon and drive to the cheap(er) or (est) gas station for gas. I have also been trying to put away the things I have that I find ordinary and the kids think are exotic toys. Markers that can't be around my white leather love seat. Sewing stuff, various computer and camera cables and rechargers that I leave plugged in and dangling. This morning I decided I didn't need a haircut before vacation but this afternoon I think I might. And I have to go out and ride my bicycle for the first time in my new neighborhood.

I only have four more days of school because we have a holiday on Monday. Party on Wednesday, movie on Thursday and I may have to plan something academic for Tuesday because two movies would be too lazy on my part. I did show The Gods Must Be Crazy I this week over three days. Only one student had seen it and several wanted to know where they could buy it. I now own a copy--the first video I have purchased.

Oh yes, Blogging on the road...I am developing a website that I hope we can access from Paulette's Ibook to update. I don't think it will be a problem. That way I can put photos up. I haven't figured out how to get photos from Iphoto to Don't try to find the site, because it hasn't been uploaded yet.

Thursday already

Can you believe it? May is almost gone! Myrna, are you packed yet? Looking forward to your arrival. Did you learn how to blog on the road? It will be fun to track your progress (or lack thereof.)
I talked to Mick yesterday and he is planning to come out and spend the afternoon and supper with us on that Saturday and go to the reunion on Sunday. Did you know Crystal is engaged? To Matt, the young man who came here with her for Mom’s services. Can’t remember the date, but she is sending invitations to all of us. Randy thought we might try to go out there for the wedding.
It rained here all night and part of the morning. It was so cold and windy, Cody and I had to cut our daily walk way short. We were only out for abut 10 minutes and my clothes were soaked by the time I got back inside. It wasn’t raining when we started out, but it sure started up again after we got going.

My favorite couple won Dancing with the Stars – Apollo and Julianne. Yay. Now I can find something useful to do on Monday & Tuesday nights instead of parking my carcass in front of the TV.

Last week, I was afraid I might be going blind – things were blurry and out of focus, both up close and far away. It was about Wednesday that I discovered I had gotten my contacts switched, so the left one was in my right eye and vice verse. So I guess it’s good that I’m not going blind, but not so good that I could let that happen and just wander around out of focus for 3-4 days.

I found a disposable camera in my saddle bag last Sunday, and this was one of the pictures on it. This is from October ’05 - the Nebraska-Oklahoma game.
Huskers lost :( Sue, I think you were at that one, too?

So what’s going on with everybody?


Sunday, May 20, 2007

A winner

OK so Street Sense didn't win and the Monarchs lost their season opener to the Shock (in Detroit) on Saturday.
And then on Sunday a Kenyan woman WON the Bay to Breakers--she beat the men. According to local reporters it's the first time a woman has beat the men in running.
Sooo it wasn't a total losing weekend.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Years ago, forty or more, Mom gave me a wool comforter that had been Grandma Anderson's. I have dragged it everywhere I ever moved. It covered in plain cotton and I used it on my bed and it was the cover the kids and I wanted when we had a cold or the flu. When I got my down comforter I put this aside because the cover was thin and frayed. I thought of covering it with satin or silk or something. I didn't, I just kept storing it. When I moved last December I decided it would be the last move, unless I could think of a use for it.

In March, browsing the farmer's market in Davis I met Jane Deamer the owner of the Yolo wool mill. I asked her what I could do with the wool besides cover it. She said it might be possible to spin it into yarn. A few weeks later I took it to her at the mill and she washed it, added two pounds of new wool and yesterday I picked up twenty skeins of yarn.


Friday, May 18, 2007


Was she ever diagnosed with narcoplepsy? I thought it was some kind of severe anemia that she and Julia had?

Anyhow, I remember the NAPTIME game that went on and on and on and on tat summer in California.

I remember sitting in my swim suit with my towel waiting for Mom to have a little nap. She would say five minutes and that was usually enough. She was also "famous" for being able to get in a nap on her lunch hour when she worked in Fremont at Campbel's. If I take the scenic route to work i.e. get off the freeway one exit early, I pass a Campbel's tomato processing plant, and think about her working with the chicken.

One year she was here during tomato season and worried about the tomatoes on the bottom of the huge trucks being squashed. And they wouldn't be any good.

I remembered another song after the rest of you suggested some Marsy dotes and dosey dotes or Mares eat oates and Does eat oates. I found my Scott Joplin CD and there are some of her favorites on that.
One day I was with her in the church when she was "doing my bit" (that was what she called it). She was dusting the organ and found it had been left on (and she sure knew who would do that). Before she turned it off she sat down and played some of the rag time pieces. Hearing that music bouncing off the walls and stained glass windows is one of my favorite of Mom's playing music.

Looks Like I got on the list of contributers to this blog.


And welcome home from Rome! We missed you.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


One odd thing about Mom's affliction was that she never fell asleep while driving. She would
conk out in the passenger seat in a minute, but never while behind the wheel.
When we were little, we had this rocking chair that Mom would sit in to read to the four of us.
We would sit on the wooden arms and Bobby would probably be in her lap. She would be reading and nod off. One of us would nudge her and say "Wake up Mom." She would wake up and continue reading. Shirley, do you still have the chair?
Her sister, Julia, was even worse about falling asleep. Maybe that is the reason she never drove. There is a picture taken of them both sitting on a couch with heads together fast asleep.
I guess there is something good in everything - Mom never had any trouble going to sleep at night.


Mom had such a struggle with narcolepsy – she once told me that was the reason she never finished nursing school: because she couldn’t stay awake to do her homework. I remember once she was sitting at the sewing machine going full speed ahead and suddenly she stopped, leaned back, crossed her arms, dropped her head to her chest and snored for about 5 minutes. She jerked awake, called out, “Not just now!” looked around, a little wild-eyed, and started sewing again.
I also remember trying to get her to read to me out of an Archie comic book and she sort of abridged the story by “reading” the pictures; “Well, this guy went to school and saw this gal there and they got into a fight, so she went and told this other gal and she …” then her head started to droop a little and the narration stopped, so I nudged her and said, “Mom, what else does it say?” And she pulled her head up and she tried to go on, but was fading fast, “Well, they went to the soda shop and shaw her fahzer there…” and her words and voice railed off into nothing. “Mom,” I said, shaking her arm. She jerked her head up, took a deep breath and tried again, “So, he drove them both home and they lived happily ever after.” And that was the end of that.
What do you remember about Mom’s narcolepsy?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Consider yourself invited

Okay, so the California people are coming next month. I will host anyone who wants to come out for Saturday afternoon and supper that week, if you aren’t all worn out from the zoo.
Just give me a headcount so I know how many to cook for.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Completely out of control

Someone please stop me. I’ve become obsessed with putting in bedding plants. I found a great new greenhouse just outside of Arlington- Siffring Landscaping – and they had the most beautiful flowers there. I planted an arrangement of unpronouncables in the two big pots at the end of our driveway. I put in a row of 12 zinnias (for Mom) right along the house, behind the horseshoe border. I added some pink and red mottled leafy things – no flowers, just color - behind the zinnias. I put in two new miniature roses and replaced a dead spiderwort at the end of the sidewalk.
I managed to fit in all the tomatoes, peppers and eggplants in our little garden spot. I packed each plant in with a generous helping of horse manure and this morning, all the existing plants got a dose of Miracle Gro. I had to get back to work today in order to get some rest form all my gardening.
Our new dog, Cody, followed me around throughout the whole process, carrying his squeaky toy, hoping for a game of fetch. He waited very patiently, so I obliged him until he got tired and just laid down with his toy between his front legs. He seems to have settled in with us pretty well. We go walking every morning for at least a half hour and his big WHOOF WHOOF WHOOF announces cars coming down our driveway as well as going into the drive across the road no matter what time of day or night. When no one is outside with him, he rests in the shade of the front yard. He’s the perfect dog for us. He has already learned all his good manners and has no interest in chasing our cats – tho you couldn’t convince the cats of that. They have been going around with pretty much permanently arched backs, wild eyes and frizzed out tails since he got here, but one of them seems to like perching on top of his dog house. At one point, Cody surprised Webber coming around the corner of the house so she ran up a tree. Unfortunately, it was a tree that was next to the veg garden and at that moment, the sprinkler was going, so she got soaked as well as scared.
I trust you all had a good Mother’s Day and graciously received accolades from all your grandchildren as well.
Until next time!

Friday, May 11, 2007


This is what our creek looked like last Saturday morning. It’s usually an ankle deep trickle at the bottom of a 7-10 foot ditch. Fortunately, it didn’t stay over the driveway for very long, so we were never stranded. It really left a lot of debris in the yard (south of the horse trailer) when it went back down. Top photo is looking east, second and fourth are looking south; third one is looking north, towards my little quilt shop.

Well, the birthday supper turned out very well and I even found some time between the baking the cake & marinating the steak to take Bubba out for a ride. (Hmmm… I feel a poem coming on…) I am having remnants of the supper for lunch today, but the microwave committed unspeakable evil on my onion rings, turning them from hot & crispy to lukewarm, limp and soggy shadows of their former crunchy selves. (How’s that for a commuter sighting?)
When I was in town today, I purchased 4 tomato plants, 4 pepper plants and 4 eggpplant plants. I need to pick up some flowers as well, but I’m having trouble finding zinnias this year. I can’t seem to get them going from seed with any success. So that tells you what I will be doing tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be good for that type of thing.
Also tomorrow, we are getting a dog. Cody, a 10-year-old black Lab from my friend Fran, who will soon be moving to town. He’s a good dog and he already knows us since we do some house-sitting for Fran a few times a year. If any of my hunting in-laws or nephews or nieces ever want to take him hunting, I think he has been trained for it. All I ever do is walk with him and he heals really well. I’m counting on him to help me walk off some flab.
We have at least one graduation party to go to. Are there any anniversaries, birthday parties or Heaven forbid funerals I need to know about? Was Jim & Irene’s in the paper or something? Someone needs to give me a heads up on this stuff, because I don’t get the Mirror-Sun.
Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jack!

Today is Jack’s 25th birthday, so he took Randy & Emily to the zoo for the day.
I had to work, so he left me with strict instructions for his birthday supper. We are having grilled steak, onion rings, Portobello caps and cake. So I am leaving work early to go bake a cake and fire up the grill.
Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Birdie, Birdie in the sky, dropped some white stuff in my eye.
I'm a big girl. I won't cry. I'm just glad that cows can't fly.

Mick taught this little ditty to Chantelle when she was about 2
years old.


Janell's Five Blessings

5. Blogging.

4. Fine Arts: Poetry, literature, music, paintings & photographs.

3. Bubba & Lucy

2. Family and (human) friends.

1. My Salvation.

Thanks, Cindy, for thinking of this.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Sue's frustrations

5. Shopping for pants. They are either "old lady with elastic waste", Alway too
long, even the short/petit sizes, or made for teens with very low rise.

4. Trying to keep grass out of flower beds.

3. Being all caught up at work and way behind at home.

2. Idiot drivers

1. Getting to and keeping a healty weight. This could have it's own list of
frustrations or maybe even a whole blog.


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Top five frustrations

(Inspired by Brooke’s blog. See the link on One Square Mile)

5. Hilary Clinton – what’s she so mad about anyway? She doesn’t deliver speeches, she shouts them.

4. Getting rained on and then having to sit in an air conditioned office in a wet shirt.

3. Insomnia.

2. Randy’s allergies.

#1. People in authority who give you just enough information to make you look stupid.

Now it’s your turn.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Lost weekend

On Frday morning as I put on my socks, I got a pain in my side. My first thought
was I pulled a muscle while lifting some boxes at work. I took a couple of Tylenol
and went about my business/ work and golf and supper/dinner out. By Saturday morning
the pain had become unbearable. Off we went to the emergency room thinking maybe
a gall bladder attack. After all the tests and x-rays it showed an impacted bowel.
It is very embarassing to have a doctor tell you that you are full of s**t. He
gave me a prescription and had me pick up a very strong laxitive at the drug store.
I was relieved that it did not require any surgery. Am feeling much better, thank
We did manage to go to Menard's and Earl May on Sunday. I am going to redo one of my flower beds. The grass has taken over and it is no longer pretty. Thanks to birthday gift certificates from Tammie we had part of the project paid for.
Sure hated to miss out on the beutiful weather on Saturday, but I am sure we will
have more.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Thanksgiving... the Lyons Vet's Hall. 1992?
Back: Sue, Myrna, Mick.
Front: Shirley, Mom, Janell

Friday, April 27, 2007


We ended up with about 2 inches of rain over the course of the week, so I guess I’ll spend at least part of my weekend mowing. I also have a small garden spot that needs tilling, so I’m hoping it will stay dry, as predicted. It’s still getting cold enough at night that I’m running the furnace for a little while in the mornings. Just enough to take the chill off.
Also planning to load up Bubba and take him to a friend’s house near Blair. She lives across the Highway (91) south of Dana College, so we have a path that goes up into and around Black Elk/Neihardt Park. A very nice ride. Or we might get adventurous and go into Omaha to Lake Cunningham, although there is no water in it right now. It’s drained for maintenance purposes or something. Anyway, they have nice horse trails there. One of them goes behind the three Walter Scott mansions. When I first saw them, I thought they were hotels or convention centers or something; huge brick structures with meticulously kept landscaping – and a couple of layers of high voltage barbed wire. If they weren’t such pretty buildings, you might mistake them for prisons because of the fencing.
Lucy is ready for a rider, so I am trying to get on the schedule of some friends of mine who train horses for a living. I’m hoping they can come over Wednesday and “cowboy up.” Maybe next time Sue brings grandkids over there will be two horses to ride. Mick wants to go for a ride on her, too, so I need to get in touch with him. Anybody heard from him lately?
I suppose Myrna will go dancing again and Sue will do a round of golf. Don’t know what Shirl might do, but I think she works Sat & Sun and has a couple of days off in the middle of the week. I guess I’d better get out into the world and see Wild Hogs, from what I hear. We just don’t do very many movies.
We have a potluck at church on Sunday and a pie auction, to raise mission funds. Emily always makes a Hershey pie that brings in $75.00 or so. The same lady has bought it two or three years in a row, but last time I saw her she had shed about 150 pounds, so Hershey pie may not be on her menu anymore.
Anyway, have a good weekend, everyone!
See you in June, if not before.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

1954 or so

Here we are!
From left Myrna, Bob, Mom, Mick, Sue Dad and down in front is Shirley. Janell hadn't been born yet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I hope you are doing something fun today - you're probably working, tho, so maybe you can get your boss to take you to lunch or something.
Anyway, have a good one!

Monday, April 23, 2007


This weekend was spent in Grand Island. State bowling was the excuse for the getaway. 10 ladies from Norfolk and area went together. I did not bowl very well
at all. Just couldn't get the pins to fall.
After bowling on Saturday we had free time. Usually this involves shopping. Two
other ladies wanted to go to the horse races. I had not been to the races since
Aksarben had closed so this sounded more fun than shopping. We got there in time for
the last six races. I am not a big gambler and a $2.00 better at the races. They
have added a second "daily double" since we used to go to Aksarben. I spent $14.00
and cashed in 1 ticket for $3.80. Net loss of $10.20. This was a lot less than I
would have spent at the mall. Nancy is a great race fan. She and her late husband
would go to GI and the races when he was alive. Chris, her daughter, had never been.
We had a great time.
Going to the races naturally brings memories of Grandma and Grandpa G. It also gave
me an excuse to brag that I had my picture taken with a winning horse when I was a
very little girl. Grandma was holding me and only the top of my head is visible,
but I was there. I believe the horse might have been Master Bid, not real sure.

We were a little concerned when we arrived at our motel. The storm chasers vehicle
was parked in the lot. There were watches out but no warnings. A tornado did touch
down near Gothenberg, but nothing in GI. On Sunday one touched down near Hadar
which is about 8 miles from Norfolk. Tis the season.
We ate supper (or dinner if you prefer) at Texas T-Bone. A steak house where they
serve you portions way to big for the average person to eat. No wonder we are a
nation of overweight people. We went to a lounge for a night cap. Some played some
pool, others darts. I opted to get out of the smoke and went back to the room with
my book.
Sunday was team bowling and back home and do some laundry so I have clean underwear.

Friday, April 13, 2007

A chuckle for us

I don't usually share emails on my blogs, but in light of the topic of discussion, I'll share this prayer I got from Joani:

The Senility Prayer - Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Has this happened to you?

No one talks loud enough anymore. Everyone is mumbling or talking too fast and I can’t understand them. I always have to say, “Beg pardon?” or “Excuse me?” and get them to repeat it.

My thumb joints hurt almost all the time. I can’t grasp a pickle jar tightly enough to twist it off anymore.

There is never enough light on the book I am reading or the sewing I’m doing. There is no longer a ‘close enough’ or ‘far away enough’ to get so that things will come into focus.

My ankles are permanently lumped where I’ve sprained them and I have a callous the size of a horseshoe nailhead on my left foot that never stops hurting.

If I sleep on my side, my hips wake me up with aching. If I sleep on my back, I wake myself up with snoring.

So, what’s next?

Monday, April 9, 2007


I will be glad to put up your google blog address, but you have to tell me what it is. Did I miss something?
Check out - celebrate - birthdays. There are two BD greetings for
Tammie, who turns 40 on the 10th.

Friday, April 6, 2007


A few more bad things. Cindy broke her arm on Memorial Day. She was four years old
and fell down the back steps at Nanny & Grampa Denton's. Dad died on Jerry's Dad's
birthday. Grandpa Gatewood's funeral was on his 81st birthday.
A little humor about Cindy's broken arm. - I told her to craddle it in her other arm
while I took her to the emergency room (the hospital was 2 blocks away). When we
pulled into the parking lot she said "I'll wait in the car."

Let's hope today is a GREAT FRIDAY. With the added pressure of Myrna being 66 on the 6th (666).

We combined our Easter with Abby's confirmation last Sunday. Trying to save on the
high price of gas.

Today is the day to plant potatoes. I should till up part of the yard and plant
some. The good thing would be potatoes that tasted like potatoes and I wouldn't have
to mow that area. The bad thing is I would have to keep the weeds down and it would
cut into my golf time. With Jerry being on the road, we don't really eat enough
spuds for all the work. Maybe when I retire!!

We do wish Myrna a HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MANY MANY MORE. Grandma Mabel told the girls
that the year your birthday falls on the day you were born (ie 6th birthday on a birthdate of the 6th) was your golden birthday. I don't know what you would call
the double digit year. Double gold? What do you plan to do for this significant
birthday? I will never have a Double Gold birthday as I would have to be 2525 years

Have a Great Friday and a Happy and Blessed Easter.
