Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Horsemens Park July 23, 2011

The JT Smith Memorial Race was the last one on the program. Here are some shots of Jim's family with his blanket, which was awarded to the horse that won the race.
Paul D.:

Jacob, Kris and Irene:


Winning jockey Ashley Dill gets a high five from a fan:

Can't remember the horse's name, but I cashed in a $2 ticket on him. After the race, all family present crowded into the winner's circle for the official picture. It was a HUGE crowd of Gatewoods and Smiths. Kris is working on making the JT Smith Memorial an annual race. (Shirley, this coud be your chance to get into a race photo.) I hadn't been to Horsemens Park before - we had a fun day. I started with $10,bought a $2 ticket on every race and came home with $9.60. Not bad, huh?