Monday, December 31, 2007

Crossed fingers

Right now it looks like the weather will be acceptable for our Christmas Dinner. Remind me again what everyone is bringing. Can anyone bring some extra silverware? Although I don't like using paper plates, will be using them this time. Don't forget your gift exchange.
Bob, there will be elk roast.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

One more thing

McKayla Leanne Keppen was born to Andy David Keppen and his partner Courtney on December 23, 2007 at 6:33 Eastern time in Florida.  Andy is my grandson.  At last report all are doing very well.

More Christmas programs

On Christmas eve, as I walked to my car to go to church Christmas Eve service I was aware of the full moon.  I heard the call of geese and when I looked up I saw two wavy vs of geese their wings touched by the light of the full moon.

Christmas service.
The lights are extinguished and the candles are lighted by passing the flame from one to the other.  We sing Silent Night.  I usually have tears in my eyes, not this time.  I look at the flame and remember the Methodist Church in Lyons, Nebraska where I heard Silent night more than a few times during the holiday season.  These memories continued to other church services with candles and Silent Night. 
Then the three country schools came to mind.  Yes, we did sing Silent Night in those days.  First was Jefferson School, the same school our mother attended and where  her elder sister taught.  I was in first grade.  The program, similar to the one Sue described, was in the basement.  I remember rehearsal upstairs singing Up on the House Top Click, Click, Click and probably saying a memorized poem.  Then there was Wilson School probable two or three programs there.  I remember one when I lost my individual piece before I had memorized it all and was sure everyone knew it was unfinished.  At Edgington School, one year the teacher and students wrote the play and performed it.  I don't remember which teacher.  I think that might have been the same year we learned to sing Oh Come All Ye Faithful in Latin.  I saw all that while we sang all the verses to Silent Night.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas programs

Christmas programs are a tradition that I look forward to every year. Kendra had her final church program Dec. 16th. At Southwood Lutheran the kids participate until the fifth grade. Before the service any kids that play an instrument can play a short piece before the program begins. She played violin with another little girl. She also had a short speaking piece. All went well.
Jacob had his school program on Dec. 18. The 3rd and 4th grade sang all the favorites. The 4th grade all have a little line or two to recite. Jacob will get his turn at speaking next year. On Christmas Eve we attended his Sunday School program. This program was 2 parts. The younger kids did a program on the decorating of a tree and the meaning of all the decorations. Jacob was the one selected to decorate the little tree while the lines were read. He did a great job.
The second half was the traditional Christmas pagent put on by the Jr-hi kids. This was an excellent program.

How many of you went to a country school? The programs put on in these little schools are a thing of the past since the closing of all country schools in Nebraska. Shortly after Thanksgiving the program is outlined. One-act plays are selected and parts handed out. Songs are selected and the practicing begins. Each child has parts to learn according to his ability. He/she may have several parts to learn before the big night. Volenteer parents come in to set up a temporary stage. Props and costumes are assembled, and the dusty curtains are shaken our and hung on wires that everyone hopes will hold up. This is a welcome break from the usual studies and most of the time is looked forward to. We all welcome this change even if we don't realize we may be learning something from the experience.

On the big night everyone in the district is invited to the program. Almost everyone comes even if they don't have children in school. Parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors all crowd into the little one-room school. The show goes on, not always without a hitch, but always entertaining. After the program, Santa shows up to talk to all the kids. A bag of treats is handed out to each child. Parents may be given a gift made by the children in school art class. Everyone goes home relieved it is over with, but sorry to get back to the regular studies of the little school. The volenteers take the stage down for another year and the curtains are stored away.

Back to the basics.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

For Myrna

Myrna, I have tried to send you an e-mail, but it keeps coming back undeliverable.
Send me something in my e-mail so I can check your address.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Found the book

We're all thinking about other things right now, but I found the Birthday/Anniversary book. I had put it on my bed headboard and it fell down behind it, but not all the way to the floor - until the other day when I heard a thump under the bed and found it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Now the forecast is for snow flurries and cold. It changes every day. Let's hope that we can go on with our get together. I have my last elk roast thawing out. May have to change the menu to elk stew or chili. I will need some extra silverware if someone can bring some. Also some folding chairs.

Last Saturday we ended up with about an inch of ice on the driveway. I have been working on getting it off. Only have about half of it cleared and now it is cold and threatening again today. One of the weather myths (or not) is that 90 days after fog we will have moisture. If I remember right, we had a lot of foggy days in September. I do find this cycle to be very close to the truth.

Cindy & I leave Wednesday afternoon for Sacramento so am watching the weather for that day too. If it looks like it might be iffy on Wednesday, Shirley, can I sleep on you couch Tuesday night?

Do you realize Jesus was probably not born in December? The fact that the shepherds were in the fields is a good indication that it was probably warmer weather.


Monday, December 3, 2007


The weather looks good for Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed. Anyone wanting some elk or deer burger, bring a cooler. I guess if it cold, you trunk will act as a cooler.
I had to put the cherry bing bars in the freezer and I made the star cookies yesterday. I better freeze them too so I don't eat all of them.
The weather here last weekend was bad. The sleet started around 3 am. Then we had a little of everything - rain, freezing rain, snow, wind - everything but sunshine.
The ice ended up being about 1" thick so it is a good thing we cancelled. We had elk roast for Sunday supper.
I took advantage of the cancellation and did some Christmas shopping. I made a pretty good dent in my list. During the afternoon it got really slushy where there is a lot of traffic. On the side streets, sidewalks and driveway it was really hitonius. We ventured out to our friends house to watch the volleyball girls and the big XII game on the big screen. GO HUSKERS.
Sunday I looked out at the ice still clinging to the trees and the icy streets and decided God would forgive me for not venturing out. I stayed home and baked cookies and did laundry. Jerry finally got the ice off the windshield of his pickup. I'm sure glad I have a garage.

Book still missing

Okay, everyone, I still can't find the birthday book, so everyone email me your December birthdays and anniversaries.