Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas programs

Christmas programs are a tradition that I look forward to every year. Kendra had her final church program Dec. 16th. At Southwood Lutheran the kids participate until the fifth grade. Before the service any kids that play an instrument can play a short piece before the program begins. She played violin with another little girl. She also had a short speaking piece. All went well.
Jacob had his school program on Dec. 18. The 3rd and 4th grade sang all the favorites. The 4th grade all have a little line or two to recite. Jacob will get his turn at speaking next year. On Christmas Eve we attended his Sunday School program. This program was 2 parts. The younger kids did a program on the decorating of a tree and the meaning of all the decorations. Jacob was the one selected to decorate the little tree while the lines were read. He did a great job.
The second half was the traditional Christmas pagent put on by the Jr-hi kids. This was an excellent program.

How many of you went to a country school? The programs put on in these little schools are a thing of the past since the closing of all country schools in Nebraska. Shortly after Thanksgiving the program is outlined. One-act plays are selected and parts handed out. Songs are selected and the practicing begins. Each child has parts to learn according to his ability. He/she may have several parts to learn before the big night. Volenteer parents come in to set up a temporary stage. Props and costumes are assembled, and the dusty curtains are shaken our and hung on wires that everyone hopes will hold up. This is a welcome break from the usual studies and most of the time is looked forward to. We all welcome this change even if we don't realize we may be learning something from the experience.

On the big night everyone in the district is invited to the program. Almost everyone comes even if they don't have children in school. Parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors all crowd into the little one-room school. The show goes on, not always without a hitch, but always entertaining. After the program, Santa shows up to talk to all the kids. A bag of treats is handed out to each child. Parents may be given a gift made by the children in school art class. Everyone goes home relieved it is over with, but sorry to get back to the regular studies of the little school. The volenteers take the stage down for another year and the curtains are stored away.

Back to the basics.



Janell said...

I rememebr being in the Christmas programs at Jefferson. One year we sang "You Should have Seen Santa Claus Twist." I rememer the huge grins and laughter that one brought out of the audience. - it applealed to drama queen in me. I also recall getting a bag of peanuts and Christmas candy from "Santa." (Who was that, anyway?)

Sue said...

One year our teacher's husband played Santa. She had 2 pre school boys. One of them was not fooled he said "That's not Santa, that's my Dad."