Friday, January 25, 2008

weigh in

I lost .6 this week. I was hoping for more because I worked really hard this week.
Plus pushing snow off the driveway every morning before work.


Janell said...

Well, we're both going in the right direction! We have a dinner to go to tomorrow night - I hope I don't overdo it.

LaDawn said...

WOW! I gotta get to work on this. Man, I've got a hottananny and reunion coming up in July and I want to look good! You ladies inspire me!

cdroses said...

I'm down 2 lbs., this week. Went back through my food journals, and found really good weeks. Then tried to do more of the "right" things.
I have to agree with Janell, shivering must burn some calories! :)
LaDawn, please define "hottananny".

Brooke said...

I am sitting at the same this week. Hopefully next week I will be done. I will be at the same dinner with Janell tomorrow and I am afraid I will gain some weight with it.

Brooke said...

I mean down not done. Far from done with losing the weight.

Janell said...

Go Cindy! Tell us a little more about the "right" things.

Brooke, we can keep an eye on each other and make sure we stay with the program.

I like this weekly progress report - its very motivating not to give up. Wouldn't want to have to post a gain!