Friday, October 31, 2008

Guess Who ?



I lost the .8 I gained last week.

Forcast is for a nice weekend. The sky here is blue, blue, blue. Just watched the streaks fo two airplains floating across the sky. One going east and one going west. The cold air up there really makes them visible.

Enjoy the weekend.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I gained .8 this week. I ate my way through the weekend and spent all week trying to make up for it.

Rain, rain, rain. I am just glad it isn't snow. The leaves are falling and are all wet so that is a good excuse not to mow or mulch. Hoping for some dry days before the grass gets too tall.

Tina has a blog called "Welcome to Tina's World". I don't know how to show the connection here. She has some great pictures of their second honeymoon trip to NAPA valley and some of Matthew playing football.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Happy Birthday, Paulette. You can't really be the BIG 40 can you?
Love You, Aunt Suzie and Uncle Jerry.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday misc.

Thanks for looking at my photos.  I finally got Alaska documented.  It was harder than I expected.

It is cool in the early morning when I   walk to Peets coffee in the Raley's supermarket.  I pass a pond where the Canadian geese are making stopovers.  It is so fun to see them circle the pond and make their landings.   I have noticed; the students on their way to the high school do not even look at the pond let alone the show the geese put on.

Now--this afternoon, Nebraska made the BBC/World news on NPR--regarding the child abandonment law that was recently passed in Nebraska.   Who put the age 19 on that law?  What were your legislators thinking?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Last Saturday

Here's where I was a week ago.  This is Mount Shasta.  Isn't she beautiful?

I saw three plays in Ashland last week.  The Further Adventures of Heda Gabler, the Clay Cart, and Midsummer Night Dream.  The weather was cold  for a Californian.  

Friday, October 17, 2008

Weigh in

I'm down one pound this week.

What did we decide to do for Christmas this year?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Feather Friday - guess the bird

Weigh in

I'm down two this week. Inching my way back to where I was before my vacation.

Over on OSM, I started f-Stop Fridays. Check it out.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Happy Birthday to Kendra. Saturday was a great time. Shopping, lunch, volleyball, pizza. Special autograph. The smile on Kendra's face after meeing Joba Chamberlain and getting his autograph and picture taken with him even if it meant missing the last set of the volleyball game.

For those of you who do not know Kendra. She is a great Yankee fan. Joba C is a former NU pitcher who now pitches for the Yankees. He was at the VB game and was introduced. Jaydee went to get drinks and found him downstairs. She got him to autograph her ticket with a "happy birthday" greeting to K. The girls then went to find him and get his autograph on K's NU shirt and have her picture taken with him. The smile could not have been bigger if she would have won the lottery. Oh yes, the girls won in 3 sets.

I got second place in our 1-person scramble today and we got done with out it raining on us. Another busy but fun weekend.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Feather Friday


October already? Mornings feel like October. The trees are turning and starting to drop leaves. I moved my plants into the garage one night last week, but the temp only got to 38 so they are still safe.
We had a real busy weekend and it paid off I lost .6 lbs this week. not a lot, but another small step. The week was kind of busy also and I didn't get in a lot of exercise so am happy with the small loss.

Another busy weekend coming up. Cindy, Jaydee, Kendra and I are going to the Neb/Colo volleyball game tomorrow. Then have pizza for K's birthday. Jerry had a golf tournament scheduled that day that I forgot about when I got the tickets so we are having a girls day out. J & K and I are going shopping while C has her class then we will head for the game. GO HUSKERS.

Sunday I am playing in a one-person scramble. It is like any other scramble only you are the only team member. The golfer gets to take 2 shots every time. Kind of like a mulligan for every shot. Should be interesting.

Monday is our fall NWAGA meeting a scramble in Columbus.

Have a good weekend everyone.