Friday, February 16, 2007

Still here

I'm still here, plugging and posting away. I'm glad it's Friday - I'm looking forward to the weekend, so I can work some more on my quilt project(s).
It's awfully cold and windy here and more snow expected over the weekend.
My boss is leaving town Sunday to go on a short term mission trip to Costa Rica. It could be awfully quiet around here (at work) next week.
Still waiting to hear from somebody...

1 comment:

cdroses said...

I'm still here...I think

As if life isn't busy enough, I've registered for classes at Southeast Community College. I've been accepted into the Academic Transfer program. Eventually, I'll have my Psych degree. Fortunately, classes don't start until March 27. That gives me a month to psyche myself up for this!

This weekend is Dare2Share! I am so excited! Jaydee and I will be attending, along with 98 other people from church...oh and 5900 other people. For more details, go to If you check out this website, also look at "The Gospel Journey". That is the current study for the high school Youth Group, I work with.

Next weekend Jaydee, Kendra and I will be participating in the "Quilting Bee" at church. It's actually not as elaborate as it sounds. A group of retired ladies piece the quilts together. Then twice a year, others are invited to help tie the quilts together. I forget how many quilts were made last year, but it was in the thousands. I'll have to remember to post the number after this event.

Kendra has earned a scholarship to a weekend camp at Camp Kitaki, the weekend of March 17. She had to write an essay for this honor. Camp Kitaki is the YMCA camp, located between Omaha and Lincoln.

Oh I almost forgot. The Newsboys concert is March 10! This is a Christian Rock band from Australia. I love their music! All 4 of us are going, along with a bunch from church. This is a really great band. The lead singer tells his story during the concert (I saw them at the Lutheran Youth Gathering in San Antonio, last summer). He's a preacher's kid and tells of his rebelious years and how he truly found Christ.

Soooooooooooo if I don't log in very often in the next few'll know why!