Thursday, February 22, 2007


A new post from someone other than me! We'll all catch on to this sooner or later.
Cindy, I know you'll do great in college. Have fun at the concert and all your other stuff. That's exactly the kind of news this blog is for!
Sue; I think Jack is going to pick up Petticoat Ranch for me in Fremont tonight. I'll ask Mary if she knows where in Norfolk it's for sale. She was glad to see you'd signed her guestbook.
Keep up the good quiltwork. If we get the snow they predicted for this weekend, I'll be a t the sewing machine all day both days.
I went for a nice ride on Bubba yesterday; my day off. It was SO springlike. I'm not looking forward to more snow and winds. Today was gorgeous, too, but I had to work.
That's t for now.
Love to all;

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