Friday, April 6, 2007


A few more bad things. Cindy broke her arm on Memorial Day. She was four years old
and fell down the back steps at Nanny & Grampa Denton's. Dad died on Jerry's Dad's
birthday. Grandpa Gatewood's funeral was on his 81st birthday.
A little humor about Cindy's broken arm. - I told her to craddle it in her other arm
while I took her to the emergency room (the hospital was 2 blocks away). When we
pulled into the parking lot she said "I'll wait in the car."

Let's hope today is a GREAT FRIDAY. With the added pressure of Myrna being 66 on the 6th (666).

We combined our Easter with Abby's confirmation last Sunday. Trying to save on the
high price of gas.

Today is the day to plant potatoes. I should till up part of the yard and plant
some. The good thing would be potatoes that tasted like potatoes and I wouldn't have
to mow that area. The bad thing is I would have to keep the weeds down and it would
cut into my golf time. With Jerry being on the road, we don't really eat enough
spuds for all the work. Maybe when I retire!!

We do wish Myrna a HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MANY MANY MORE. Grandma Mabel told the girls
that the year your birthday falls on the day you were born (ie 6th birthday on a birthdate of the 6th) was your golden birthday. I don't know what you would call
the double digit year. Double gold? What do you plan to do for this significant
birthday? I will never have a Double Gold birthday as I would have to be 2525 years

Have a Great Friday and a Happy and Blessed Easter.



Myrnagj said...

OK. thanks for all the comments about my 666. I think of it as being kind of magic, I did spend a magnificent day with two friends hiking on the Californina coast. We spent the night at the beach house of a friend and drove back this morning.

cdroses said...

At least, I wasn't screaming at the tops of my lungs. I always thought there was some other child being tortured in another ER room. It wasn't until years later that I found out it was me making all that noise. That was the stitches/concussion hospital trip. Guess it was a good thing we lived across the street from the hospital! :D

BTW (by the way) I started a blog on google too. This way you won't need to sign up at myspace to leave me a message. If Janell will add it to the blog list, you'll have a link from here.

Off to homework!