Monday, June 11, 2007


Will bring chairs. Still waiting to get a yes or no from Joe. Jacob checked his ball schedule and really wants to come. Maybe he will come with us.
Angie's grandma Schriber had a stroke over the weekend. I guess it was pretty severe and affected her left side. Will probably be in the hospital 5 to 8 weeks and then may have to go to a nursing home. This will be real hard for her, because she has lived in the same house since the day she was born. I believe she is 80 years old. Don't know if she and Elmer have ever been apart.


Mary Connealy said...

I love those pictures of you. How great! We have ZERO picture of my brothers and sisters, that's cuz they can't catch me when they point the camera.
I had this picture, it's from MY blog
taken before my book came out, but Michael Dwyer no less. I looked at it and they'd done everything, low lights, soft focus, everything and you know what? I looked just like ME! So no more pictures hoping they'll come out looking like someone young and thin and beautiful and SMART.

Sue said...

Mary, Welcome to our blog.

Janell said...

Mary - that is a good picture of you. Sit still for the next one - your decendants are going to want images of you with you sibs!