Sunday, November 11, 2007

Snowball Christmas Gift Exchange

I found out the "rules" to the fun, interactive gift exchange that is sweeping the nation for families and many office holiday gatherings.

Each participant brings a unisex gift -- wrapped or disguised in some manner. The cost range having been preset by the someone in charge.

All participants are counted and the numbers 1 through however many there are, are put in a hat, of course. Each person draws a number.

#1 goes first in choosing a gift. #2 can then chose a gift, or take the gift #1 had chosen. #3 same option. and so forth. A limit of 2 times or 3 is set on how many times an individual gift can be "stolen" or taken. So one gift can't be passed all night you see. After the last number has his or her turn, #1 gets one more chance.
And then it stops and everyone opens and is mildly amused or ecstatically happy.

Does this sound like a fun thing to try for the holiday gathering?


Janell said...

Yes - that sounds good. What is our $$ limit?

cdroses said...

We did this with the Youth Group, last year. A bunch of broke teenagers can be real creative with re-gifting! (one gave the Youth Director's stapler to the Youth Dirctor as a gift...good thing YD has a great sense of humor!)

Sue said...

Sounds good to me. Do we have separate gifts for the kids?

Myrnagj said...

We used to do this at the University wit white elephant gifts. I sure got rid of a lot os stuff. There was a big rubber rat that made annual appearances for several years. Everyone had to open their gift as they got it. Sooooo you knew what you were getting. I remember an ugly wooden reindeer that was chosen the limit of three time.

good luck. It can be very funny.

Shirley said...

I have been wondering what to do with the "kids" . . any ideas?

Shirley said...

Bob has corrected my rules -- he says we are supposed to open the gifts as we go. Not at the end.

Also dollar amount -- what suggested here? 10 to 15 ??

cdroses said...

Define "kids".

I say we make it a "regifting" event...recycle and renew... (Oh God, I converted back to Davis! lol)

Sue said...

My thoughts. No more than $10.00 and regifting is allowed as long as it at least looks like $10.00. I get a lot of stuff as door prizes at golf tournaments that I can't use, but may be just what someone else needs.
Shirley, you will be in charge of this activity. Maybe send a little note to Bob's kids. C & T usually read the blogs and they see or talk quite often.

LaDawn said...

We played this at nanny's house when there got to be so many people (>35 some years). We had a $10 limit but with inflation this might need to increase. We would give things like dish towels (something everybody needs), postage stamps, tool sets, gift certificates. As poeple opened them there were always favourties that would be passed around and around.

I have a real objection to regifting. Unless you know someone would really like what you've been given so much more than you, you need to keep it, donate it, take it back or learn to love it. I just believe giving is about the effort and thought that someone puts into selecting a gift for you. Regfiting requires no thought, no effort and smacks of stingyness. Plus think about it. You're giving someone something you didn't want and they didn't want. Why bother?

I hate these things that are about giving for the sake of being seen to be giving. Only give when you want to give. Isn't that the point?

Maybe I need to get a sense of humour.....