Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Ever wonder how Grandma & Grandpa A. timed their kids to be almost exactly 5 years apart? All but Julia are in July. I think she was October.


Janell said...

I've often wondered if they planned it that way. I've also noticed that the record high tempertures for the week of July 18-25 occured in 1918 - poor Grandma! Bless her heart, she must have been miserable.

Shirley said...

Dream on -- there was hardly any planning back then -- not until the 1960's was planning an option.

Myrnagj said...

Ok. I don't know why or what we were talking about but motner once told me she asked her mother how she only had four children or something like that. Grandma told here they had a little "trick" -- Mother thought it might have been "hanky, panky in the hankie." Those were her words.


Janell said...

I don't think you are giving the women of yesteryear enough credit -they knew everything about human reproduction that we do, they just didn't broadcast it. That was when sex used to be a private matter between a husband and wife instead of a recreational activity featured on the silver screen and tv.

Shirley said...

The introduction of the pill is the only thing that made planning truly possible. I give the women of yesteryears a ton of credit, I know they had more hardships than imaginable with all this.

LaDawn said...

Maybe they had sex only once every 5 years. Without birth control that would be my answer!

Sue said...

Prostitutes called gonorrhea the hooker's friend because it made them sterile. Of course it could kill them too.