Monday, August 20, 2007

A story from Jack

Here is a story Jack told me:

"Yesterday at work, this girl came up to me and said, 'Hi.' She said it as if she’d known me for a really long time, or else she was just being real friendly – either way, I didn’t recognize her, so I just said, 'hi' back. When she turned around to walk away, I noticed she had a tattoo of an eye right in the middle of the back of her neck. It was right then and there that I was SO thankful I have never taken any drugs – real life is just weird enough the way it is, thank you very much."


Myrnagj said...

Good story Jack.

Shirley said...

He is so right

Sue said...

That would be real wierd to have an eye looking at you from the back of someones neck. Spooky.