Friday, September 28, 2007

Fessing up

I have a confession to make: I almost broke our brother.

Mick came out late Wednesday afternoon to help me with a project. He’s sort of between jobs this week, so I invited him to come and help me ride Lucy. He thought that sounded like a good idea, so we saddled up both horses and Bubba and I ponied Lucy around for a while and she was just as calm as she could be – made no fuss over the saddle or the bit & bridle, responded to all my cues for direction changes and so on, so Mick and I decided it was time to mount up.
As soon as his butt hit the saddle she went off like a firecracker – crow hopping like a bronc. He didn’t just fall off – he flew off: went straight up in the air and came down and landed flat on his back. He got the wind knocked out of him, but is otherwise okay. We didn’t try getting on her again.
Mick is supposed to call me after he’s been to the doctor’s and let me know what he found out. I thought he looked a little better Wednesday, not so tired and his color was better – even after he got bucked off.

Coincidentally, Joani ran into Mick on Thursday. She had gone to the Hiway Café in Lyons to meet Jim and Vicki for a birthday dinner for Vicki, and Mick happened to be there. They visited for a while and he told her about our Wednesday adventure. She said – and is probably right, “We are too old for that kind of stuff.”

Great news on the home front: we got our internet satellite installed, so we are online at home. We are now officially part of the global community.


Sue said...

Be careful what you do to members of our family. Lucy seems like such a nice horse.

LaDawn said...

Bad Bubba!