Friday, May 11, 2007


This is what our creek looked like last Saturday morning. It’s usually an ankle deep trickle at the bottom of a 7-10 foot ditch. Fortunately, it didn’t stay over the driveway for very long, so we were never stranded. It really left a lot of debris in the yard (south of the horse trailer) when it went back down. Top photo is looking east, second and fourth are looking south; third one is looking north, towards my little quilt shop.

Well, the birthday supper turned out very well and I even found some time between the baking the cake & marinating the steak to take Bubba out for a ride. (Hmmm… I feel a poem coming on…) I am having remnants of the supper for lunch today, but the microwave committed unspeakable evil on my onion rings, turning them from hot & crispy to lukewarm, limp and soggy shadows of their former crunchy selves. (How’s that for a commuter sighting?)
When I was in town today, I purchased 4 tomato plants, 4 pepper plants and 4 eggpplant plants. I need to pick up some flowers as well, but I’m having trouble finding zinnias this year. I can’t seem to get them going from seed with any success. So that tells you what I will be doing tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be good for that type of thing.
Also tomorrow, we are getting a dog. Cody, a 10-year-old black Lab from my friend Fran, who will soon be moving to town. He’s a good dog and he already knows us since we do some house-sitting for Fran a few times a year. If any of my hunting in-laws or nephews or nieces ever want to take him hunting, I think he has been trained for it. All I ever do is walk with him and he heals really well. I’m counting on him to help me walk off some flab.
We have at least one graduation party to go to. Are there any anniversaries, birthday parties or Heaven forbid funerals I need to know about? Was Jim & Irene’s in the paper or something? Someone needs to give me a heads up on this stuff, because I don’t get the Mirror-Sun.
Have a great weekend, everyone!


Anonymous said...

I received and invite in the mail
for the party. Maybe they didn't
have your current address.

LaDawn said...

The B&W photos are a bit scary. I'd be having kittens if water got that close to my house! We live just 1/4 mile from the Thames and I am always a bit paranoid when the rain starts falling. Hope the sun shines for your gardening!

Shirley said...

The invite was on a postcard -- I should have mentioned it -- if they used your old addres, it wouldnot have been forwarded -- your forward time expired long ago and postcards are hardly ever returned to sender because there is no return address. That's the mail lesson for today. Sorry.