Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hello all!

Well, the “six things about me” proved to be very interesting all the way around. I know all those stories about Babe Ruth striking out and the multitudinous rejection slips, but my concern is this: how did they pay the rent during all that down time? Anyway, this weekend, I intend to start sending some query letters and writing samples – we’ll see what happens.
Randy & I had a good time dancing last Saturday. He doesn’t like dancing very much, so I borrowed a few trail riding buddies from their wives for a few two-steps and waltzes. The band (Jim Rice) was actually pretty good. They were one of the few bands left who did not try to use volume to make up for a lack of talent. We had a good Windsor loin dinner and some home made desserts. They raffled a bunch of stuff, too, but we didn’t win anything. We had someone take our picture, but as you can see, the guy couldn’t find the focus ring.
We are having heavy rains moving through the area right now (2 PM). We can sure use the moisture. According to, Norfolk got it earlier. Supposed to be sunny tomorrow.
I’ll check in again tomorrow!
Love to all

1 comment:

Myrnagj said...

Did any tornados come close!!!