Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Norfolk was really lucky the past 2 weeks. Most of the snow missed us. We did have a short
lived blizzard Friday night. Probably 2" at the most. Jerry was stuck in Des Moines at a truck
stop from Thursday night until late Saturday afternoon. Three of my friends and I had tickets
to see Manheim Steamroller in Sioux City Saturday night. We decided to give it a try. We made
it there and back ok. The return trip took about an hour longer that usual, but we really didn't
have any trouble. We did see only one car in the ditch which was probably due to the fact that
only a few dummies were out during the storm. Spring cannot come quick enough.
During one blizzard, (I think it was Shirley). Broke her last baby bottle. She just looked at it
on the floor and said "Ba, all gone." I guess that was one way to wean a baby.

As far as the roll over. It was after Sunrise service and breakfast at church. Grandma Anderson
was with us so the car was packed. I was driving and just slid of the little bridge in the driveway.
No one was hurt and a couple of eggs left from breakfast were unbroken. We all got out and
Dad got the tractor and rolled the car back over and we drove it with the dented roof. That
poor car went through Hell. Mick was real hard on it. He was rear ended and at another time
hit a parked car.


1 comment:

Janell said...

Thanks for the details - you have a good memory for that. Do you remember what year and make the car was?
I'll bet you enjoyed the concert - I hear manheim steamroller puts on an excellent show.