Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So far, so good

Not a bad week so far, considering it’s only Tuesday.
This is one of the nicest days I’ve seen in a long time - the temp was in the 50s when I went out at 6:15 this morning, even though it was still pitch dark. Now, at midday, the sun is out and the sky a brilliant blue and, best of all; I saw two robins this morning! One was perched on a fence post and the other on the barbed wire. Of course, they both flew away when I squealed, but it was like running into an old friend.
I’m still recovering from my lost hour. When I got into the house after chores, I plopped into a chair and then decided I’d better find some motivation and get moving again or I was going to fall asleep. I don’t know how it is with the rest of you, but naps tend to become a habit with me. They’re like potato chips; can’t have just one. If I took one today, I’d think I’ll need one tomorrow. So I dragged out my walking shoes and went for about a 1 ½ mile walk. It was quite breezy and brisk and I was fully awake by the end of it.
I wonder if Virgil is moved into his new house? I don’t think I have a current email for him, so could one of you send him an invitation to join this blog? Email me if you need me to re-send you the instructions to be forwarded on to him. I think I’ll invite Paul D. as well.
I am so excited that my church is going to be broadcasting sermons again on the Blair radio station and I am to be the host of the 30 minute program. We tape tomorrow and start airing on the 18th. (8:00 – 8:30 AM, 97.3 FM KBLR.)
Cindy, I like your myspace. I tried to leave a comment, but didn’t have time to go through the registration process.
Joani had some surgery last Thursday so I am abandoning the office today and going to the house to lend her a hand. Tomorrow is my day off. New posting on Thursday!
Love to all.

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