Thursday, March 22, 2007

Work with me, people!

I'm starting to feel a little lonely here on this family blog. I need comments and new posts! And don't give me that "nothing interesting" excuse. You're getting up every day, aren't you?
What did you have for dinner yesterday? What's for supper tonight? What tv show did you watch? Was it good, bad or indifferent? Did you go bowling? golfing? to a movie? Read a book or magazine? I know not a single one of you is just stting in a chair staring off into space. I think we are interesting to each other, no matter what our actvities are.
Love you all.

1 comment:

Myrnagj said...

OK, OK, This morning on my way to work I saw egrets or herons (too far away to be sure at 60 mph) in the puddles of water in the Yolo Bypass/ Causway.

The sunrise in Sacramento was ORANGE!

This week I renewed my teaching credential, got my passport renewal photo, NO it's not a good picture. Had my taaxes efiled by the AARP volunteers at the Davis Senior center.

Last week I took an old wool bat that came down to me from Gandma Anderson to a wool mill to be spun into yarn. Sue, Shirley, Janell Do any of you knit or corchet? I should have about 16 four ounce skeins.